Three things you can do to unclog your computer ... These - TopicsExpress


Three things you can do to unclog your computer ... These Facebook suggested post ... the latest advertizing scam that is getting me closer to swearing off FB .... are making me crazy. They are plagued with an impossible array of Next buttons to chose from so that a careless mistakes that opens up pop-up or screen switches, multiple auto-launch video stream advertizing that slows down the screen load (forcing you to look at the page), .... Lets see if that last sentence has passed the Facebook limbo bar that you have to click more .... to get to. Back to the run-on parody ... ... and god knows how many pop up blocks my blocker catches that ALSO slows down the page load. Soon, Comcast and ilk want to slow down your internet more by making you pay more to speed it up (they want money from people who think it is a bandwidth problem or data size issue slowing them down when it is actually all this free shit that is shoehorning into your eyeballs. So, Im using some run-on paragraphs to entice YOU to read on.... But, there is a point .... Not to mention those sleazy infomercials that lead you on with endless adjectives and bait by inflamatory or fear-mongering phrases with no logical connection to anything ... as if the classic get them to say yes sales technique translates as the same thing as a key press to open the next page. An the nearly naked people with catchy slogan overlays that open to something really STUPID. It has more than pissed me off. When it epitomized itself with this flush your toilet shit bait ... it occurred to me I want an ap to flush digital shit. So I took the 15 minutes or so it took me to kick the shit out of this adspace by picking out the few tips (not all, weeded out the pure stupid, like a plunger) that were any good and publish them instead to spare you the trouble of dealing with the trash. Heres 4 of the seven that were actually novel, but took 3 or 4 clicks each to see, phrase by phrase, and several clicks to agree to block popups (auto-supplied by Firefox, thank you). Toilet bombs Mix 2 cups baking soda, 1/4 cup empsom salt and then slowly add 8-9 tablespoons of liquid dish detergent. Press the mixture into muffin tins or something that is moldable. Let dry overnight. To use the mixture, pop one out of the muffin liner and into the clogged bowl. Cover with 4 cups of water and let sit for a few hours before flushing. Vacuum You can also use a wet/dry vacuum to unclog your toilet. Vacuum all the water out, and then use a towel to surround the vacuums hose. Insert the hose in the toilet and use it to suck the clog out. You might have to deal with whatever clogged the toilet in the first place, but its better than not having it flush! Baking Soda and Vinegar This old elementary school science experiment can actually unclog the toilet as well as many drains in your home. Take a cup of baking soda and pour it into the bowl and follow up with a cup of vinegar. Flush the toilet and the foaming solution will attack and remove the clog. Hot Water Before all of the fancy anti-clog products hit the shelves, people relied on hot water to unclog their toilets. Boil a gallon of water and pour it down the toilet quickly but not so quick that the water splashes out. This is very hot water, so take caution not to burn yourself when pouring. If it worked for our ancestors, why wouldnt it work for us? Now, if you would be interested (this is my ad following the run o ....) in a FB or other site that did a couple of things: 1) Posted spoilers like the above (or figured out a way to show the spoiler ad right along side the commercial ad) 2) Posted techniques or aps they have found that squash the blockers 3) Encourage ap-writers to put up downloadables (free only, ad un-encumbered) that would automatically find and delete the shit. LIKE .... Flip an emasculated bird finger (an upright pinky on a closed fist) at ANSWERS.COM (wouldnt that be a cool ap, automatically clogging their website with shriveled skinny-bird fingers). Along the way you could be flipping the skinny-bird at FB for their money sucking ads that are time-sucking us. (like) Would you support it (share) Do you have anything youd like to add (pun) or would you auto subscribe to the site once it is runing? (Comment) give me some names for the aps, sites, pages, topics that youd like to see. Ha ha ha ha (maniacal laugh, Muppet style).
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 16:08:31 +0000

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