Thursday 22nd January, 2015 Aries Welcome to this very moment - TopicsExpress


Thursday 22nd January, 2015 Aries Welcome to this very moment that matters dear Aries, welcome to the moment that shows you who you are and what you are capable of. I want to remind you today that anything past this very moment you are in is irrelevant and when you can bring your attention to this moment then you’ll notice the peace within your being that always remains. A realisation about how much you do get ahead of yourself and how unnecessary this is becomes so clear to you today. Taurus You don’t need to wait for the weather to change in order for you to make your move or take the actions you know you want to take dear Taurus. I say this because sometimes you wait for the things you don’t need to wait for and this holds up the moving forward process which is so unnecessary. At the moment you have plenty in front of you that can be done and you have what you need in order to get on with it so quit with this waiting game please. Gemini There is a confusion that has been taking up some space in your mind of late and finally today you are able to let this confusion go. I get the feeling you’ll be able to use all of your ability to drop the thoughts you have around this confusion and this is what releases the confusion. A realisation around love really has your heart feeling open and creative and the idea that has been sitting on the back burner for some time comes alive again. Cancer It’s amazing the way life keeps showing up with all the little surprises and today you’ll find yourself smiling from ear to ear. It seems that somewhere in your day you totally surrender to life and become clear on what may have felt unknown to you. I get the feeling that you are able to leave your heart wide open at this point and this is going to be a new one for you. A conversation in your day will have your heart skipping a few beats and this is a beautiful thing so just allow what needs to take place to do so. Leo Love is much more powerful than your arrogant mind dear Leo so what ever you have going on in your mind about love leave it alone. You cannot have your ego explain love to you so it’s time to bring it down a notch and realise that you are not above your ego when you are not in the moment. I get the feeling that you spend a little too much time of late trying to prove what doesn’t need any proof and this causes you to be out of alignment with your own heart. Virgo There is plenty of room in your heart today dear Virgo and you’ll find that you have the space that you have been looking for to take action on an idea that has been clear to you for some weeks now. You’ll find it so easy to share this extra space that you have in your heart and what once would have had you shutting you down no longer does. You have grown so much in your life in even the recent few months that it’s almost as though you are a whole new person now. Libra You don’t need to keep looking for what ever it is you seem to be looking for. To look for something in your heart keeps you so far out of the moment dear Libra. Perhaps you can ask the question that you have and allow the moment to uncover the answer when the answer is required. I say this because you spend far too much time chasing after something that has nothing to do with the here and now of your life and this is a waste of energy. Scorpio It has nothing to do with right or wrong dear Scorpio, and when you start to look for the right and wrong in it all then you start to use your ego to evaluate the situation. Believe me when I say that you never want to use your ego to evaluate any situation in your life, the ego can only get in the way and use ideas and concepts from the past that are no longer relevant to the here and now of your life. You’ll find relief in a shift that takes place somewhere towards the afternoon time of your day. Sagittarius It’s such a trap to sit and wait for things to get easier, it’s such a waste of time to sit and hope that life could be different. I say this because the very life that you are in right now is the very life that is supporting you and pushing you to grow and find your own power. Right now you are in the process of realising the capacity of your power and this is the time for you to be in appreciation for where you are, so perhaps a moment of surrender today will show you where the release is. Capricorn Ok so it’s just the beginning of the year and if you are throwing your hands up already then this is simply because you are in resistance. I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with being in resistance so long as you can at least be honest about it and be in this space consciously. Otherwise you’ll have the stories take over your entire being and this way you have no room for consciousness. An awakening today enables you to rise up for air again. Aquarius So many different emotions will be moved through today dear Aquarius and this is very supportive to all the space you have been creating with yourself late. A very powerful conversation will remind you that this is the life you have been asking for and that perhaps you need to take your attention off of all the details right now. There is a bigger picture that is playing out and supporting you to recognise who you truly are and you must pay attention to the bigger picture. Pisces You don’t need to control the circumstances dear Pisces, instead if you can just allow yourself to feel the inner peace that always remains then you’ll realise that your circumstances don’t require control. I know sometimes it can be so challenging when you can’t see anything past the moment you are in and I also know that the best place to be in life is when you don’t need to see anything past the moment you are in. If you need to know then here it is, everything is working out perfectly and no it’s not wrong or right. Much Love, Ghazaleh Lowe
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 22:21:43 +0000

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