Thursday, 3rd October FULFILL YOUR DESTINY “No weapon that is - TopicsExpress


Thursday, 3rd October FULFILL YOUR DESTINY “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.” (Isaiah 54:17) Every child of God has a calling and a destiny to fulfill in God and it is impossible to defeat that man or woman who is functioning in his or her destiny. It doesn’t matter how many enemies or the strength of forces that come against such a person—there will be only one outcome and that is his victory. When the Lord Jesus walked this earth, several times the Jews tried to arrest Him, but they just couldn’t. The Bible says “they sought to take him: but no man laid hands on him, because his hour was not yet come” (Jn. 7:30); until He was through fulfilling His mission and submitted Himself to be arrested and killed, they couldn’t destroy Him! It’s the same story with Moses and Pharaoh. Have you for a moment ever asked yourself why Pharaoh couldn’t kill Moses? Moses stood before the leader of the world superpower of the day and commanded him to let the Hebrews go! I’m sure that each time Moses left the palace, Pharaoh must have thought to himself, “I’m going to fix that Hebrew next time he shows up here,” but then Moses would show up again and Pharaoh wouldn’t be able to give a command for him to be killed or arrested, for that matter. Why? Moses was functioning in the arena of indestructibility! As long as he was fulfilling God’s calling upon his life, no one and nothing could stop him. Can you make up your mind today to fulfill your calling and destiny in God? It’s your responsibility to do so, not God’s. In that arena, there’s no defeat for you; there’s nothing that can successfully stand against you and prevail, because your will has become one with God’s will. In this arena, the anointing becomes your shield and protection! Prayer: Precious Father, I thank you for the wisdom of your word today. I choose to function fully in my divine calling and destiny. I pray that the eyes of my understanding be illuminated more and more with the knowledge of your glorious will for my life in Christ, in Jesus Name. Amen. Further Insight: Ephesians 1:16-18; Colossians 4:17 Study Plan: Job 5-6
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 21:01:37 +0000

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