Thus says The Christ, The Holy One of God: I am He who is called - TopicsExpress


Thus says The Christ, The Holy One of God: I am He who is called The Lamb of God, The Lamb from Heaven without spot or blemish, given as a ransom for many, causing death to pass over My people. For all who believe in Me, and receive also of My sacrifice, shall live forever... For My blood is the blood which was shed for you, to place upon your door so you may be spared, delivering you from the power of death. For as it is written in the Law, all things are purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sin. And no one goes to The Father, unless they eat of the flesh of The Lamb and drink His blood. Therefore, do this in remembrance of Me and My Passion, according to The New Covenant. For it is accomplished already, and was sealed forevermore upon My rising... Behold, I am no longer The Sacrificial Lamb! I am The Risen One, The Holy One of Israel, The Lion of The Tribe of Judah! For The Lamb was slain, My people redeemed in all the earth!... And behold, I am risen forever and ever, Clothed in glory and praise! And likewise shall My people be clothed, In glory, receiving robes of white, Abiding in the presence of their Shepherd, forever... For they are cleansed, and will be like the angels of Heaven in that day. 4/18/05 From Our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear ~ From: trumpetcallofgodonline/index.php5?title=I_Am_The_Passover_and_The_Lamb%2C_The_New_Covenant_with_Men link: trumpetcallofgodonline/index.php5?title=I_Am_The_Passover_and_The_Lamb%2C_The_New_Covenant_with_Men Hear the WORD of The LORD spoken to this Generation: TrumpetCallofGodOnline
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 10:38:27 +0000

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