Time for another reveal, and I guess its my turn. Im Buffy. Im in - TopicsExpress


Time for another reveal, and I guess its my turn. Im Buffy. Im in my (almost-no-more) 20s, Im married to my best friend, hes amazing and you guys know him as Angelus. Weve been together almost 10 years, married for 5 1/2, we have two awesome dogs that we consider our kids. I met Wade through my hubby around 6 years ago. Hes an awesome guy, and a great friend. Hes the type that will do anything for you if its within his power...and if he likes you of course. Hes an awesome dad, and puts his family before anything else. Im lucky to consider him not only a friend, but a brother as well :) Other than being BtVS obsessed some of my favorite shows include Angel, American Horror Story, Roswell, Sopranos, Law & Order: SVU, I Love Lucy, E.R., Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Twilight Zone, Supernatural, Veronica Mars, Crazy Ones, and there are more but thats the gist of it. Music is one of my biggest passions, Wade and I have had many good debates, conversations, and testing each others knowledge over the last 6 years. We both love Music straight down into our bones, so hes kinda my musical other half in a way. My list of favorite musicians would be too much to add here, but maybe Ill save that for a topic discussion or something. But those of you who know me knows that I LOVE Metallica (have lyrics tattooed on my arm...again another thing Wade and I share, he has a Metallica tat as well). Rock is my fave, but I love all genres. I love horror movies more than anything but Im into all genres. Some of my faves are Edward Scissorhands, Godfather Saga, The Goonies, The Avengers, Thor, Dark Knight Trilogy, Step Brothers, Nightmare on Elm St series, Friday the 13th series, Halloween series, Wizard of Oz, Ghostbusters, Gone With the Wind, Breakfast At Tiffanys, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Im also a big big fan of all the classic 80s movies involving one or more member of the brat pack. I could go on forever... Gaming is another interest, though I dont game as much as I did years ago, I still really enjoy it. My go-tos are Tomb Raider series, Silent Hill series (hubby and I play these together), anything Mario or Donkey Kong related, Injustice, Lollipop Chainsaw, Dead Nation, LBP, and Zelda. Im more into the older classic games from Atari, NES, Sega Genesis, and PS1, but I love how far games have come since the days of insane pixelation. I love to read. Yes, I like the Twilight books...leave me alone. I also love Hunger Games, True Blood (books, not the show), anything written by Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Frost or James Patterson. Im currently reading Divergent and will move on to Mortal Instruments when Ive completed the series. I realize now, how long my post is so Ill try to wrap it up. Im a HUGE animal lover, I think anyone who abuses or hurts an animal is pathetic and needs to have their hearts cut out by the Gentlemen (Buffy reference :) I also am a lover of cooking/baking. Its my way of being creative and it is just something Im passionate about. I love finding a new ingredient or discovering a new technique to utilize in the kitchen. Wrapping it up now...I love Harley Quinn, Joker, Batman, Thor, Catwoman, Loki, Iron Man, Hulk, and Wonder Woman. Big fan of photography, another hobby/passion. I also just love chilling in bed with my hubby either taking a nap, or just talking about random things...or even just sitting quietly next to each other. Well, in a very large nutshell, this is me. Congrats and thanks if you read the entire thing! -Buffy
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 18:53:48 +0000

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