Time for us to prepare New Labour to engage in the proper politics - TopicsExpress


Time for us to prepare New Labour to engage in the proper politics of Social democracy and the true Representation of the People; all people. WE have to reinvent New Labour in OUR image, not the prat faced cowardly fools that are currently sucking up to the Right. The Tories have shown themselves to be the Sociopaths that we have come to expect. The Liberals have shown themselves to be the Neo-Liberal Apologists and Compromisers of principles that we feared. Ukip are as Right Wing a joke party as the BNP and the rest of the Fascist Losers. Lovely and Loving as the Green Party is, they are not in a position to establish a Government on their own. Unless you are willing to set up and fund a new Political Party, based upon Socialist Human Principles, we are stuck with retraining Labour to do its job properly. I am quite happy to front a new party, but suspect that there is not enough interest in raising the funds and doing the footwork necessary to make that work. The system is skewed and it requires considerable effort and commitment to compete with any established Political Party and engage the corrupted Media. Who is game for changing the face of British Politics and getting, ordinary people, the Unions, Small Businesses, Entrepreneurial Businesses, Professionals, Professional Organisations, Economists on board, to establish true wealth and prosperity, based upon mutual effort and common interests? Who wants to help make the UK a leader among Human Cultures, operating from fundamental Human Socialist principles of Liberty, Justice, Equality of Opportunity, Fairness, Common Ownership of Essential Resources, with Reward on the basis of Merit - Any Socially Beneficial Merit, according to the individuals ability to contribute?
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 13:36:26 +0000

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