Time to WAKE UP Black People in the America(s). This is a FORMER - TopicsExpress


Time to WAKE UP Black People in the America(s). This is a FORMER so-called jew who exposed the modern day so-called Ashkenazi Jew who, as He explains; are Khazarian Peoples who converted to Judaism & whose beliefs derive from the EVIL Talmud. Now keep in mind, this ISNT some Chump talking, but a man who broke bread in the WHITE HOUSE. He despised the lie so much, he even changed his last name from Friedman to Freedman. So if theyre IMPOSTERS, who are the real ones?........U ARE!!! If U look in the Bible, Ashkenaz came from Noahs son Japhet, NOT the so-called Jewish(Hebrew) line of Shem: Sol Schindler of Bethesda, Md., writes: “Paul Kriwaczek tells us in his book ‘In Search of Zarathustra: Across Iran and Central Asia To Find the World’s First Prophet’ that the Hebrew word ashkenazi originally meant a Scythian. I myself always thought it meant a German. Did ancient Hebrew speakers use one term to describe all the barbarians beyond the Danube, or did they actually distinguish between Goths and Scythians?” The place name Ashkenaz occurs three times in the Bible: In Genesis 10:3, in I Chronicles 1:6 and in Jeremiah 51:27. The first three verses of the 10th chapter of Genesis read: “Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Yefet: and unto them were sons born after the Flood. The sons of Yefet: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Yavan, and Tuval, and Meshech, and Tiras. And the sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz and Rifat and Togarmah.” The Bible represents Shem, Ham and Yefet as the ancestors of the three great ethnic-and-linguistic families of man known to the ancient Hebrews: the Semitic, the Hamitic or African, and the Indo-European. Yefet, the supposed progenitor of the Indo-Europeans. These are the People CHRIST HIMSELF speaks on in Revelation 2:9 & 3:9: Rev. 2:9-“I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Rev 3:9-Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:52:51 +0000

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