Time to level up. Mario style. Do you find yourself stagnating - TopicsExpress


Time to level up. Mario style. Do you find yourself stagnating and running in a circle? When Im stuck in a place I feel is weak behavior or excuse behavior on my part....the one thing Ive noticed is whats holding me back from the next level is my own mindset. Typically that makes me furious to find that Im literally LETTING something defeat me. I find strength in my frustrations and quickly power through them. First however, that takes ability to be honest with yourself. First, address the problem honestly. Im not pushing myself enough, or Im not sticking to my diet are common ones I hear from clients. Heres the important part, write down what the real obstacles are that get in your way of achieving the next level. Then, start to create solutions to address it. Take action! FOLLOW THROUGH. Take 100 percent responsibility for your success and failure. In other words, if you are not getting the results you want, the problem is typically in how you have framed your obstacle. Then the problem is that you just tend to live in that and accept that as a permanent weakness for some reason!? Acceptance happens and almost this weak behavior becomes a part of your daily life. GUYS....Its NOT your challenging situation, genetic limitations, or time management dilemmas that are preventing you from reaching your goals. Your inability to do what it takes (or find out what it takes) to overcome your challenging situation, genetic limitations, or time management dilemmas is what must be addressed - and overcome.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 23:06:43 +0000

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