***Tip of the Day*** BREAKFAST!!! Always, always, ALWAYS eat - TopicsExpress


***Tip of the Day*** BREAKFAST!!! Always, always, ALWAYS eat breakfast!!!! I have had many people come to me, train and pass out due to low blood sugar and it turns out they have not ate breakfast!!! Your body needs fuel after a night of repairing itself... If you consider a race car never starts a race without new tires and a full tank of fuel, thus the human body (the most complicated thing on the planet!!) should not start working without fuelling (Rankin 2011). Your energy levels will increase and weight loss will speed up. Put it another way, skip breakfast; fat will store…..simple and FACT! So, if you are a breakfast skipper it will be hard to start to eat in the morning, however, start with fruit such as melon or grapes or a smoothie (Sugar free) and build it up to toast or wholegrain cereal and porridge...if it’s because you have not got time, then get up earlier or eat on the go...take food in the car or on your journey. I cannot stress how important breakfast is on the body and even more so when exercising...even if your goal is weight loss...EAT BREAKFAST EVERY DAY!!!! Rankin, J. (2011) ACSM Fit Society: Nutrition, American College of Sports Medicine: Fit Society, 38, pp. 1-7. Feel free to share and/or contact us for more advice.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:24:38 +0000

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