Tip of the Week : Sept 20 – 27, 2013 Happy Equinox! Autumn - TopicsExpress


Tip of the Week : Sept 20 – 27, 2013 Happy Equinox! Autumn Equinox officially occurs when the Sun enters Libra in the Tropical Zodiac and this year it occurs on Sunday September 22 at 1:44 pm PDT. The overall chart pattern reveals a heated tug of war between the pull of the past and the push towards the future. As is often the case, despite hopes and ideals of a clean break, the past has a way of carrying over into the future. This is natural in the flow yet sometimes a clean break and fresh start is beneficial and desirable. However, this is not the case here. With Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, in Scorpio there is evidence of this tenacious grip of ‘what has been’ to persevere, yet not in an obvious way. It will occur in a covert fashion. This hidden or secretive element in nature is as ancient as the stars. When it comes to human nature it gives rise to intrigue, espionage, suspicion and mystery in general. These darker features of the game of life are also what add to making it interesting, yet deeply complex as well. As we collectively watch and hear news of the delicate yet also outrageous antics of political processes, this age old theme has become increasingly apparent. While evening news reporting remains a common event in our modern world, the internet has spawned numerous other news sources and this has deepened the plot significantly. This last quarter of 2013 therefore will synchronize with a continued and even escalated degree of complexity, intrigue and tension as humanity endeavors to forge ahead amidst forces that want to preserve traditions of the past. Perhaps Comet Ison scheduled to appear before the end of the year will prove to support the push for the future side. Stay tuned…
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 16:36:52 +0000

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