Tips 2make u hAppy whn sAd................!Your best friends can - TopicsExpress


Tips 2make u hAppy whn sAd................!Your best friends can really give you a boost when youre feeling down. Thats what they are there for. Try calling someone you feel you can really communicate with. 2 Watch a funny movie, preferably one that youve already seen and liked. Youll remember that time that you were happy watching it, and the familiarity will feel comforting. 3 Eat a good meal. Make something different and delicious, something out of the ordinary. Chew slowly, smell the food, and savor every last bite. Be thankful that you even have food to eat. According to one source, about 25,000 people will die on any given day due to hunger or related illness.[1] 4 Exercise. Go for a walk, a jog, or a bike ride. Play a team sport. Do anything that gets you up and sweating. Exercising will make your body release endorphins, a chemical that lifts your mood and lessens your feeling of pain.[2] 5 Be spontaneous. Sometimes a consistent and boring routine can make you feel bad. Do something out of the blue without making any rash decisions. Go visit a friend or a museum, surprise your Mom with lunch, or take a weekend trip outside your city or town. 6 Paint a picture or mould a sculpture. Express your feelings with color and shapes. Art is a celebration of life, and you are a reason to celebrate. 7 Think about good memories. If youve lived through them once, you can definitely have them again. Thats the beautiful thing about memories. Just because things may seem bad right now doesnt mean that theyll be that way tomorrow. 8 Take a shower or a bath. Youll be amazed at how much of a lift taking a shower can give you. If youre feeling in the mood for a bath, try putting some Epsom salts in the bath. Epsom salts are reputed to trigger the release of endorphins, those magical chemicals that are responsible for feelings of well-being. 9 Get out of the house. The fresh air will be invigorating. Go somewhere with a friend, a family member, or even by yourself. See a movie, shop, go on a picnic, etc. Staying inside can feel like trapping yourself inside the prison of your depression. Dont give yourself an excuse to feel bad. 10 Listen to music. Resist the temptation to go for the sad music; try listening to energetic, jumpy, soulful, or happy tunes, along with numbers that inspire you or remind you of good times. Music can be and is used as a very effective therapy
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:59:02 +0000

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