Tips on How to prepare for JEE Main 2015 in 6 months- Interview - TopicsExpress


Tips on How to prepare for JEE Main 2015 in 6 months- Interview with FIITJEE Expert read it here or visit engineering.careers360/articles/tips-on-how-prepare-for-jee-main-2015-in-6-months-expert-interview-mr-ramesh-batlish As part of Careers360’s JEE Main 2015 Preparation Series with tips and guidelines of experts, teachers, toppers and more, we bring you another important perspective on JEE Main 2015 Preparation from Mr. Ramesh Batlish, who is the Center Head- FIITJEE (Noida center). Read on to know the Preparation Strategies for JEE Main 2015 in the last six months as well as importance of mock tests and books that are helpful. In this interview, Mr. Batlish also speaks on how the new IIT admission policy will affect the students from different boards. Careers360: Now that the exam date for JEE Advanced 2015 has been announced, and also only six months are left for JEE Main 2015, what preparation plan and strategy do you suggest to the students to balance their Class XII board preparation along with JEE preparations? Mr. Ramesh: A serious aspirant ideally must have completed the syllabus by now. The following points would, however, count. i.) Time devoted to each subject (Physics, Chemistry, Maths) All the three subjects are important. A student must devote equal time for all subjects. Major focus must be on the topics of Class XII boards, and then revision of class XI topics must follow. ii.) Time devoted to the regular classes at school Majority of the topics of JEE are also covered in boards, hence it is recommended that one must prepare for both the exams simultaneously. Students must practice all NCERT problems, while brushing up JEE chapters. iii.) When to start taking the part or full length tests and how to go about analyzing the results Once the student has completed the syllabi of Class XII, he/she can start taking mock JEE (Main) & JEE (Advanced). These tests can be taken as Part Syllabi or Full Syllabi. The part tests cover topics of class XI & Class XII separately, whereas full syllabi tests are based on the complete XI & XII syllabi. For better preparation, one can join a test series program. These tests not only check the level of preparation of the individual for JEE, but also make them aware about their command over the subject, speed in writing the exam and strong & weak areas. iv.) Expert tips on how to prepare Time Management In-time preparation and dealing with the study pressure with proper planning is most important. Divide these crucial six months aptly in the three subjects. Plan your preparation chapter-wise, topic-wise revision schedule. Create short notes, list all formulae and points to remember. This will help in quick revision before the examination. Careers360: You interact with lot of students frequently. What are the important topics for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics that you think students must focus on to perform well in JEE Main and Advanced 2015? Mr. Ramesh: JEE Syllabus from class XI & XII contributes about 45% and 55% to IIT-JEE question-papers respectively. While preparing all the chapters of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, based on our past experience, extra attention may be given in particular on the following topics: Mathematics: Quadratic Equations & Expressions, Complex Numbers, Probability, Vectors & 3D Geometry, Matrices in Algebra; Circle, Parabola, Hyperbola in Coordinate Geometry; Functions, Limits, Continuity and Differentiability, Application of Derivatives, Definite Integral in Calculus. Physics: Mechanics, Fluids, Heat & Thermodynamics, Waves and Sound, Capacitors & Electrostatics, Magnetics, Electromagnetic Induction, Optics and Modern Physics. Chemistry: Qualitative Analysis, Coordination Chemistry & Chemical Bonding in Inorganic Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium in Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Complete as a topic. Careers360: Suggest some important books for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics that may be helpful for JEE aspirants to prepare in the best way. Careers360: How should a candidate prepare himself/herself for the D-Day (The exam day-as a lot of students get nervous and lose concentration)? What would you advise to ensure they feel confident and give their best shot during the exam? Mr. Ramesh: Candidates, who will be appearing for JEE Main 2015, must follow these - Stay calm, confident and trust yourself Have a sound sleep for at least 6-7 hours Don’t talk anything about JEE with others One day before the exam, do not study anything new Tell yourself- I am excited about JEE and I can crack it easily Prepare yourself to reach the exam centre one hour before the exam starts Don’t ask your friends how much they have studied. It will create pressure on you Relax yourself or indulge in meditation a day before the actual exam in order to give your best on the exam day Careers360: According to the JEE official reports, students doing self-study for cracking the entrance exam are more in numbers as compared to students taking coaching classes. How expert coaching classes help students in qualifying JEE exams? Mr. Ramesh: Expert coaching classes ensure the following: *Planned Revision Program *Pattern proof study material *Organized test series providing the right examination temperament *Experienced faculty to ensure excellent teaching and quick doubt removal * Completion of syllabus with in-depth concept coverage to tackle all types of questions *Periodic monitoring of performance through tests and analysis along with projected national level ranking Careers360: As per the official reports of 2014, 85%-90% students, who qualified in JEE Main 2014, scored comparatively less percent of marks in JEE Advance 2014. What can be the reason for this? Mr. Ramesh: Difficulty level of JEE (Advanced) is higher than JEE (Main).There is a scoring difference between the two papers. JEE (Main) is more about speed and accuracy, whereas JEE (Advanced) tests the comprehensive and analytical skills of an aspirant. Careers360: What could be the preparation strategy, which can ensure improvement in JEE Advanced score as compared to their JEE Main scores? Mr. Ramesh: JEE aspirants shall follow these tips in order to crack JEE Advanced 2015- Stay focused and maintain a positive attitude Develop speed. Refer to reputed mock-test series to build a winning exam temperament. Solve the past years’ IIT-JEE papers. Focus on your weak areas and improve upon your concepts. Practice of JEE level questions is necessary as it improves your reasoning and analytical ability. Remember it is quality of time spent and not the quantity alone. Take short breaks of five to ten minutes every 1-2 hours of serious study. Relax completely when you take a break. Practice meditation to develop inner calm, poise, confidence and power of concentration. Don’t overstress yourself. Five to six hours of sleep every night is a must, especially three-four days before IIT-JEE to keep yourself physically and mentally fit. While short naps may help to regain freshness, avoid over-sleeping during the day. Finally, don’t be nervous if you find the paper tough since it is the relative performance that counts. Put your best analytical mind to work, and believe in your preparation. Careers360: After the implementation of new IIT admission policy from 2015 onwards, do you think aspirants will have more chance of clearing the JEE Advanced exam since the top 20 percentile criteria is not compulsory now? Mr. Ramesh: Yes, there will be benefit for those, who were left out due to eligibility criterion in spite of clearing cutoffs of JEE. Careers360: Any other message you would like to share with the JEE 2015 aspirants? Mr. Ramesh: These are some of the general preparation strategies that students should opt for: * Speed and accuracy are important aspects, which come from extensive practice of similar questions. *Always exercise time pressure while solving JEE papers. In Maths, use short methods for calculations and skip irrelevant steps to save time. * The most important thing is clarity of concepts & regular practice in problem solving. * Tricky questions do have a need of being tackled with different tactics and perspectives. *Focus on solving the problems on your own while preparing for the exam. Start with conventional methods of problems solving but improvise constantly. Build your own shortcuts and ways for problem solving. * Both speed and strike rate matter. You need to be quick and accurate to achieve high scores. High speed with less accuracy can actually ruin your results. *Never use calculator while preparing for the JEE Main 2015. Being adept in mental calculations can actually increase your speed to a great extent. *Select your questions wisely. If you solve easy and average questions correctly, you can easily get through. You may attempt difficult ones to make merit. *Gather and implement tips, gain confidence, be positive, and you will ace JEE.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 14:12:50 +0000

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