To God be all the Glory!The video stories of the many people - TopicsExpress


To God be all the Glory!The video stories of the many people living in America today,as having come from or born else where ,is amazing.Why? It is because of the immigration and Embassy officials,picture they paint about the American immigration policy.From what I have seen and what I have gone through at American embassy in search of a visa, is completely different. In fact, one time I was compelled to ask one embassy official a question, after he-allowed me to-do so.Who processed a visa for his/her grand father to enter America possibly if they migrated there in the 17th or 18th century? To tell you the truth, he did not even answer back and since he had denied me a visa,by claiming that me a missionary/pastor,, going for a Christian convention to USA for just a few days,was not eligible to enter USA. I left the Embassy with a lot of disappointment and wondering whether this is the America that champions human rights in every endeavor of life? The picture presented-at the Embassies is really far from what the immigrants have portrayed in the America formed up by people from different backgrounds of the world. Let this be ironed out in the reforming of the immigration laws,that much as the immigration officers retains and deserve the right to say no,more mechanism systems should be put in place to check their excesses in dealing with people. Especially in concern to immigrants and those traveling for businesses , conventions and those who desire to transact businesses. Many have lost millions in dealings and opportunities by being denied entry into America,to possibly transact business or meet those who would have been future partners in different fields of their interests. Is this the America that believes in the free movement of goods and human traffic without hindrance? Is this the America that champions the liberty cause for every living creature on earth? Are those who once cried for the same opportunity to become US citizens ,soon forgot that they were also once in the same boat and someone reasonably allowed them in? Is this once again the America formed up as a Nation of immigrants?The world is now a global village and movement of peaceful loving people should not be curtailed by few who think they can still live in the past days of racial segregation and racism.This a new era of dealing with anyone regardless of color, race.religion,ethnic or tribal background.The American creed : OF ALL PEOPLE ARE BORN EQUAL SHOULD COME OUT IN REALITY AND NOT JUST IN WORDS. It is my humble prayer, that reason to see many who want their dreams realized and lived in America,gain access to the liberty to do so.We respect the American people for always coming out boldly to stand with the oppressed, Afflicted and hopeless as the vision of our ministry/organization states so.We also pray for a proper and considerate resolution be adapted in making the reforms for all who desire to live in America as convenient and favorable as possible in Jesus precious name. After all every American has an immigration story to tell or share. IN GOD WE TRUST Remain blessed
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 08:03:38 +0000

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