To Joe Oliver; Federal Minister of Natural Resources, Canada. - TopicsExpress


To Joe Oliver; Federal Minister of Natural Resources, Canada. Dear Minister Oliver: I am writing to you today to express my opposition and preposition to the Enbridge Gateway pipeline and the expansion of the tar sands that it would enable. As someone who cares about Canada’s communities, its wild spaces and international reputation, I believe that this project takes us in the wrong direction. It will fuel climate change by increasing greenhouse gas emissions from the tar sands, already the fastest rising source of global warming-causing pollution. And the inevitable risk oil spills pose to First Nations, communities and the environment is simply too great when Canada, and the world, have better ways to meet our energy needs. I propose an alteration to the plan. Instead of direct connecting the pipeline and ruining 1000s of acres of forestry/rain forest that we have very little of left, how about redirecting the pipeline through already developed parts of the provinces. Making links through areas that dont have rivers and lakes to try to save and protect the beautiful country I am proud to call home. I understand the fundamentals of business and that redirecting the pipeline may cost into the millions, more. But look at it from the big picture. Your business is growing and expanding, which creates more jobs for people who desperately need them. Redirecting the pipeline to preserve our beautiful landscape will promote a green way of thinking. Green thinking makes a companys appeal more fueled towards the environment. Especially considering oil and gas is the one industry that harms the environment on a daily basis. If your company and its developers can strategize a way to expand your business with as little damage to the environment as possible, I am sure a lot more people would jump on board with the pipeline. Think. In 20 years, what will the environment look like if you continue with the current pipeline plan? We are trying to preserve our world so our children have a beautiful place to live. And their children. And their children. So on and so forth. We, as a global community, have to collectively think of effects we are doing to the environment and how we can prevent major damage for future generations. I want my kids to see the only rainforest we have in Canada. I want my kids to know the difference between environmental damage and critical thinking. I want to see Canada stay beautiful. From the bottom of my heart, and the future of our landscape, PLEASE, propose a different idea for the pipeline. Which helps your company and limits or eradicates the damage done to the environment. If anything, at least an idea. I want to thank you for taking the time to read my concerns. I hope my words dont go unheard. Thank you again. Have a wonderful day. Sincerely, Mary Ming
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 17:19:30 +0000

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