To My Abused Sisters This is for my sisters who are or have been - TopicsExpress


To My Abused Sisters This is for my sisters who are or have been in an abusive marriage or relationship...what are biblical reasons that are acceptable for divorce? One reason to have a person separate themselves would be when a husband or wife is abusive to their spouse and/or their children. And yes, there have been men abused by the woman in their life as well. There is no reason that a person should put up with this. It is not lawful to abuse another person. No one should endure such abuse and God would not look down or think it sin if a person that is being abused gets out. The Jesus I know would not want one of His beautiful daughters being abused, ever! And they have every legal right protect themselves and their children from this. Abuse can come in many forms, not just physical! There is mental abuse and verbal abuse and one is as bad as the other.....THEY’RE ALL ABUSE and should not be tolerated! As a survivor of spousal abuse (all 3 kinds) I have experienced and seen the damage done to women and their children, and it destroys lives and sometimes the ability to ever trust again. Some carry lifelong scars from things that occur in homes that are unspeakable. You can forgive others but you can not ever undo something that leaves its mark for life. Some women, as I did, say they stay for the children and when they get old enough they’ll leave. Wrong! Children are not stupid beings. They are very sensitive to the things going on around them and the best thing you can do for your children is to take them and run as if your life depended on it cause it just might. Do it while they’re young and they have more of a chance adjusting to a new life and less chance of being scarred themselves. We all know what the Bible says...clearly God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16) because “What God has joined together, let man not separate but I want to interject something here. Not all marriages have been put together by God but are the result of our own bad choices. In this life there are no ‘do overs’ but He does allow U Turns *smile* and I feel in my heart and spirit that there are sisters out there that are living with abusive spouses and my advice to you is to run, run, run! If you feel you are staying because you have no place to go...I know there are shelters out there for you and people who will help you till you can make it on your own. I’m praying for you and I’m here for you if ever you should want to talk. Ive woke with busted lips and black eyes and have my husband say, I didnt do that, I would never hurt you! El Toro Poo Poo! Elizabeth Parker
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 18:55:38 +0000

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