To Rush or Not to Rush Living a fast-paced lifestyle impacts our - TopicsExpress


To Rush or Not to Rush Living a fast-paced lifestyle impacts our bodies negatively in many ways. We feel the physical effects through increased blood pressure, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, indigestion and tend to have significantly more accidents ranging from minor to major in severity. Rushing impact us emotionally by increasing anxiety, tension and anger (which it turn carries it own consequences). The mental effects include fatigue, forgetfulness and lack of focus. As for spiritually….well, who has time to sit quietly and pray. Rushing around and demanding that others follow suit can takes a negative toll on relationships, after all who wants a friend that talks a mile-a-minute, doesn’t listen to us and is too busy to notice our new pair of shoes! If you’re interested in slowing down and wonder what the benefits are… on. Benefits of Mindfulness Get in touch with your feelings Redirect your emotions Condition your mind to react positively Control anxiety, depression, stress and other negative emotions Increase mental alertness Additional benefits of practicing mindfulness Lessen daytime fatigue; increase nighttime sleep Boost your immune system Redirect your thoughts and perception Enhance your ability to concentrate Become a compassionate listener Increase self-confidence Improved relationships (personal & professional) Improved job performance Purpose and Mindfulness The following exercises will help you learn to live your life with purpose and mindfulness. Make them part of your daily routine. You can set specific time aside or practice them whenever you have a few moments (e.g. waiting at a doctor’s office or while standing in line). Inhale/Exhale Become aware of each breath you take in and let out. Allow your muscles to relax as you exhale. Let any noise around you recede to the background. Concentration As you inhale allow your mind to picture each breath filled with clean, fresh air and as you exhale imagine yourself blowing out stress, anxiety and tension. Do this for as long as possible. Mind and Body Visualize your mind and body as a synchronized unit working in harmony and functioning at full capacity. If extraneous thoughts intrude push them aside. Consciously Decide Choose which situations you’ll attend to and which ones can be delegated to others. Learn to say no. Take time to play and pray. As you become used to being mindful and living in the present moment, you’ll reap an surprising benefit by accomplishing more with less effort. It all begins and ends with a choice. Do we want to live our life in a rush barely aware of the present or do we want to live in the here and now and savor the moment? To read more articles on Healing From Loss go to:
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 20:05:50 +0000

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