To Whom It My Concern: Being a youth with so multiple - TopicsExpress


To Whom It My Concern: Being a youth with so multiple entrepreneur skills and A member of the Zambian Institute of Chartered Accountants with growing experience in the Finance Discipline makes me write on the criteria of funding and selection to so many Business Proposals submitted to the relevant authorities responsible for that.With increase levels of UN-employment for both the skilled and unskilled youths makes them to think beyond their knowledge to resorting to work for themselves other than waiting for the unknown. Disappointingly you would find that the Evaluation process for selection of these proposals does not uphold the the rule of justice coupled with fairness as you would find that successful bidders always comes in favor of the selecting panel, its either relatives or girlfriends who will walk away with the intended loans in most cases & tend to fail as a result of poor planning and lack of interest since they where picked based on nothing, disadvantaging the well in tendered bidders with well articulated plans with a view of increasing the rate of economical growth.I urge whoever is responsible to appoint people sitting on the evaluation panel, to select people with high dignity,Discipline and good moral with a shared goal of seeing Zambia develop and the Welfare of the youths at large. The rate of return should also be revised as in most cases the repayment period is to short you would find that before the business starts enjoying profits it so happens that its pay back period with huge interest rates on it making people loose their properties engaged as collateral as it has been in the case with C.e.e.c, Banks&Other leading institution. In conclusion let me urge you that the Economical growth can only be enjoyed with the increase in the available resources and the quality of the available resources. Thank you.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 10:37:24 +0000

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