To all of my loved ones. There will be days when you feel ashamed, - TopicsExpress


To all of my loved ones. There will be days when you feel ashamed, hurt, happy, depressed, and maybe even feel the worst pain you have ever endured. There are days that you may feel like giving up. There are days that all you need is a little comfort from those who care. Other days, nothing anyone can do or say can ease the pain. Sometimes you may find exactly what you feel you want or need at the end of the dark tunnel. But other times, you find yourself lost in many tunnels. I found myself there in recent. The loss of my wife hurt me more than I can say. The fact that she cheated and continued to lie and cheat after the truth came out hurt even worse. I have prayed for her every day. I have prayed that she may find it in her heart to see my love and dedication to her. I prayed that she would see that dividing our children will hurt them more than they already hurt. I prayed that she may find God and open her heart to what God says. Not what I say, but what he says. Instead, I continue to be threatened with divorce papers that never show. I am told that she is having second thoughts about being with a man that is old enough to be her father and has sent me pictures of him and her in bed. The same man that pulled a gun on my family after they told him that he should have thought about things before he decided to sleep with a married woman. This man has harassed me over and over. My wife would go from my friend to my enemy over night. She would go from, I want you back to threatening me over and over. She said that I am acting like i am father of the month. She says it is an act. She thinks that I want an award. I wanted my family back and was willing to do whatever it took to make that happen. I have suffered enough. My children have suffered far too much. She claims that she will take my kids from me and there is nothing I will do about it. This is after she sent them away with me so she could be with this pedophile and no one would find out for a while. I cant live like this any more. My kids cant live like that ever. Please know that if you know me or my wife, that I never wanted any of this to happen. I didnt make her choices. She blames it all on me but I didnt make those choices. I have made it to the end. I am filing for divorce. I will file for custody also. I will do what I can to keep my angels protected from manipulators, cheaters, and violent harassers. I am sorry if this offends or hurts any person out there reading this. I mean no harm. I just wanted to apologize for this before it begins to get worse. For my family on both sides. I am sorry. I love all of you. She can blame me for it all but I didnt make this happen. I am sorry. I pray that you can find It in your hearts to be honest with yourselves and see the truth from the outside and not become bias. I pray that you all turn to God and listen to him. I pray that none of you have to suffer like my family has and will. God bless you all. I love you.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 02:16:05 +0000

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