To all who came to RARA last night, thank you for your words and - TopicsExpress


To all who came to RARA last night, thank you for your words and your ears :-) Was cool to be able to host this time, so Thanks Julie for trusting me with that! Many thanks due to Gordon Anderson, Christian Lewis-Searle, Ian Cross, Robert Metcalfe for your stuff during a slightly shorter than normal first half taken into the break by the Ukulele playing, Guru parodying via song, Dave Daggers. A much more packed second half followed, opened by Chocolatus Interruptus Thanks to Bridget Leggy Tanner and Dave Daggers for the chance to do the three way piece on the subject of chocolate. Thanks especially to Bridget who suggested the collaboration and the Topic (ahem) and our three very different approaches melted together into a curious but hopefully sweet mix! Thanks to John Brooks, acerbic as ever growled some words for us Thanks Laz Lazarus for coming, only to listen as it turned out this time, but no worries dude, youve delivered before, for example as part of Team Cardiff at Oxslam and youll deliver again, looking forward to it! Zaru Jonson did the business as only he can, as he always does, respect is due :-) Thanks Nia Strong, and apologies for the that was strong stuff pun on your name when you were done, sometimes I cant help myself :-( Was a pleasure to introduce you and hope to hear more! Marilyn Kemeny, thanks for your words of strength and defiance in times of struggle and hurt. Ceri Sian DeStefano, thanks for (this time spoken rather than sung) musings of a fragile but beautiful nature, its always a pleasure to hear you, and no doubt we all will again soon :-) Thanks Peter John for (as you said) only dropping by to speak to Dave Daggers, but also making a cameo appearance during the night, enjoyed it! John Totoro Dent, thank you also for your sharply observed lines, a little bite to your worldview, I think :-) Christina Thatcher, thank you loads for your openness in wearing your heart so totally on your sleeve with your sad but lovely words on the subject of the grief you have been feeling. You do so much to open up the creativity of others with all the work you do, and if it is not too cheesy to say I salute you (and even if it is) I do! Simon L. Read, once again great to have you open a little window into that surreal mind of yours, just wish youd let us look in a little longer sometimes, it seems to be a sweet and strange place and very originally put together! Finally, thank you Roger Gilbert for sharing some of your words with us. It may not have all gone completely according to the plan but I am sure you can come back and give us your best next time. As ever it was a real mixture of styles and performances, and that is what is the best of open mic can give us. Not everything works for everyone, but it doesnt have to, it is just cool to get the chance to try our stuff on other people and have stuff tried on us. I love being a part of RARA and look forward to next time, Thanks Julie!
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 10:46:56 +0000

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