To be fore warned is to be fore armed!! UNC OPERATIVES LAUNCH - TopicsExpress


To be fore warned is to be fore armed!! UNC OPERATIVES LAUNCH FULL-SCALE ATTACK … ROWLEY, THE TARGET AUGUST 27, 2014 WITH the 2015 General Elections one year away, the People’s Partnership (PP) is pulling out all stops, targeting Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Rowley, according to political intelligence. TnT Mirror was told that the PP was not underestimating its three defeats at the hands of the People’s National Movement (PNM) and had taken a decision to weaken the party by training its guns on the leader. And the PP is using a well-oiled network of writers, including an “independent” columnist at the Express; diplomats; and communi-cations’ specialists to get the job done. Former ambassador to the United Nations Rodney Charles, who is the United National Congress’ (UNC) strategist, is at the forefront of a covert operation to bring down Rowley’s growing ratings, as evidenced by recent polls. Dr. Rowleys acceptance ratings stood at 47 percent and Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s rating is 48 percent. Charles, 65, a former communications director with the UNC, was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative to the United Nations in 2010. But a few months ago he resigned and the country was told that he was returning home to take up the job as lead strategist for the party for the 2015 elections. The PP Government has not yet named his replacement. Charles, as an email from him revealed, dispatched his anti-Rowley ‘missile’ of May 16 to blogger and chronic letter writer, Ronald Bhola, UNC’s general secretary Dave Tancoo, communications expert Jai Parasram, a Sunday Guardian’s columnist, Works Minister Dr. Surujattan Rambachan, Trade and Industry Minister Vasant Bharath, Shem Baldeosingh, who is currently attached to the Office of the Prime Minister, Express columnist Capil Bissoon, for-mer High Commissioner to London, Garvin Nicholas, Garth Christopher, Power 102FM talk show host, High Commissioner to Canada, Phillip Buxo and Chairman of the Board at the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) Rabindranath Moonan. Bissoon describes himself as a Trini-Canadian, who is looking on at T&T politics from a distance. In his column of May 12, headlined “Will the real Keith Rowley stand up”,
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:54:24 +0000

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