To be or not to be is the question: Agenda 21 The Depopulation - TopicsExpress


To be or not to be is the question: Agenda 21 The Depopulation Agenda For a New World Order: Am least bit upset with the proponents of Eugenics, at the same time am totally disgusted with so called friends and kin who mocked me back in 2011 when I took the trouble of researching and presenting the findings on a golden plate. Guess what, instead of doing their own research from the point I left or did not cover, they were gleefully busy calling me names like paranoia, pessimist and over imaginative. Needless to mention some of them were already victims of Eugenics, with Autism gone berserk or side effects of prescription medicines and medical procedures while others with their accreditation in academia, even wen t to to extent of indirectly saying in so many words (not directly, but implying) that its like sour grape cry from one who is not qualified to even have any opinion on subjects that are beyond the power of assimilation of day to day Joe (re: Joe the Plumber of=r six packs of John McCain and Sara Palin respectively) . Since then years have gone by and today we are at a stage far worst that where we were back in 2011 and guess what those friends and kin are still blissfully unaware. Now my dichotomy is one that of Shakespeares , parochial To be or not to be is the question , i.e. whether I should swallow my pride a and g back with this video clipping. On a second thought and just a timely reminder that I was also told by these august inner circle of friends and kin that I should really be careful about all that careful bout all that are there in Internet and thereby avoid being Gullible . Therefore the decision is made, in that send it to those who may appreciate, i.e the open forum of internet, with the expectation that if one single soul is benefited, my purpose is served and that will have the desired rippling effect with the help of God the sustain er of His creation - Amen https://youtube/watch?v=2MQlIpJ2lmM&
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 03:27:06 +0000

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