To become Christ of the living God and Goddess and to acquire the - TopicsExpress


To become Christ of the living God and Goddess and to acquire the Christ mind attuned of unconditional love. It is necessary to develop the Christ consciousness awareness and receive the blessedness of all, as divinity is within everything. All is love. To beautify is to gain wisdom to experience supremely joyous truth with the resultant feeling of excitement and bliss. When I first studied the “Beatitudes Matthew 5.1”, I decided to become a Brother in a teaching order many years ago. I really did not understand them. It took me over 50 years to begin to have the wisdom to be able to receive the message within them. It is necessary to experience the Christ within yourself. To truly experience the Christ-Self, it would be wise to invest in inner purity which is only achieved by taken the life force pure energy within and to seek truth from self. This is the function of meditation .Here it is possible for all to dismantle all judgment s and to realize the power of love which gives us knowing security within ourselves. This known is the feelings of unspeakable joy and love. To be poor in spirit as truly the world is today is to known that you do not posses something of value. As death will comes to all. With death we all relinquish all we strive for through out our lives. So let me ask you what would be of real value to you. But that depends on what one would call a thing of value. Is having a big house, having loads of money, having people telling you that you are great, have any real value? Many people already have this today and some have more than they can use. But they will all loose them at some point in time. What is more important then the feelings of heavenly bliss and the eternal life of knowing your oneness with God and Goddess. Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven”. St. Francis of Asisi gave away all his belonging and riches even some of his family’s fortune, because he realized that they had no value. He was aware of his poverty of spiritual existence and the poverty of all mankind. When I read the story of his life, I started to ask, was this my purpose too? Did I have a higher calling St Francis life was attributed to circumstance which came through the absolute knowing that what was most important to him was his blessedness of his communion with God. I too like St Francis, realized that I was thirsty for spirit. So I was resigned to search my whole life in acquiring riches in spirit. I now believe what Jesus was implying was “Blessed are you who seek and desire God and Goddess contact for they alone will relieve you of your deficiency and limitation in thought and will support you to manifest the inner soul qualities and regain the lost kingdom of immortal blessedness of eternal bliss and joy of the soul. It was my own ego or that part of me that was created from the beginning that create separation from “All That Is” that prevent me from receiving the guidance of the higher aspect of the soul. This self-sufficiency creates pride which invents the ego. It is this ego which I call the tree of knowledge from the Garden of Eden, story in Genesis which prevented me from receiving the divine intention that was ordain to me from the beginning of time, as I allowed my fearful thoughts to dilute down my divine intention. It is man’s inability to let go of the ego and allowing the idea of fearful thoughts to suppress the feeling nature of the eternal vibration of cosmic consciousness that blocks pure love. By putting knowledge before feelings fear was invented this opened the door for deficient thought which created limitation. Then our focus on these limitations bonded us to them, hence we created more deficiencies’ through the law of attraction. This binds mankind to the fear that it focus on. This will in turn co-creation a world of suffering, and limitation and death for all. As Prodigal Sons and Daughter s of God and Goddess, we have allowed pride to prevent us from receiving divine intention which is imbued with the Christ intelligence. Christ intelligence is a reflection of the Cosmic Consciousness of God and Goddess. Now more than ever before, the people of the planet are being invigorated by specialized life energy which is raising the consciousness of everybody by removing all aspects of limitation thoughts of fear replacing with a knowing of divine love.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 12:42:34 +0000

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