To choose Joy, or to choose otherwise. Our intuitional guidance - TopicsExpress


To choose Joy, or to choose otherwise. Our intuitional guidance system is a simple mechanism. Our hearts act as an antennae for the frequencies around us, and with our free will we determine which potential, and which reality we will actualize. There are infinite potentials available to us in each moment, but there is only one HIGHEST potential, which is we determine by what we ENJOY. The old world of co-dependency and suffering is formed by obligation. Obligation is a belief that there is something we have to do, or that we need to do something, or be something, or we need someone or something.... Obligation keeps us away from being sovereign and is an illusionary construct, and inorganic construct. The truth is that we have CHOICE. Choice removes obligation, because obligation is based on the assumption that we have no choice. When we remove obligation from the picture, we see that all is simply a CHOICE, and each choice has a consequence. Plain and simple. As we all know the basic function of the universe... input=output^10, what you give you recieve, what you put into something determines what you get out, what goes around comes around, etc etc... When we CHOOSE JOY, we are inputting the highest potential into our reality. We are using our awareness, our value, our energy, our intention to create more JOY in our lives. We begin to become a magnet of JOY. Our magnetic fields become an emanation of the frequency of JOY, which is something all beings benefit from. When you turn off the obligation switch in your mind, and turn ON the JOY switch.... you are not only assisting yourself, but you are assisting everyone that comes into your reality and into your life. It is OK to choose JOY... since we were born we have been taught that we cant just BE HAPPY... that we must DO this or DO that before we can be happy... we must go to school, get a job, pay your rent, retire, save a million dollars, get drunk, get high... and THEN we can be happy... but its still not there... The truth is, we can be happy NOW. Its a simple choice. It can be difficult when the whole world tells us otherwise... It is kind of funny how foreign of a concept this is in the world we grew up in... but... here we are... choosing joy, choosing our passions, choosing to do what we love and love doing it, choosing to simply not care to please others, but to just allow ourselves to be happy, and let that joy and love emanate throughout the cosmos. Anyways, give yourself permission to enjoy yourself. You deserve it. Imran Hossain
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 12:20:03 +0000

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