To conservatives, second amendment supporters, and veterans: I - TopicsExpress


To conservatives, second amendment supporters, and veterans: I am much concerned about the socialist / communist infiltration of the govt of the USA. I believe this group of people are using lies, frauds, deceptions, and silencing tactics to strong arm its way into dominating the American dream. These tactics go to the highest levels of our govt and through our major media. Lies, frauds, and deceptions are the tools socialists use to create the American nightmare. Almost every average American is aware there is controversy around Obama’s birth certificate. Almost nobody actually knows why it is a fraud. Also, most people do not realize the frauds related to Obama’s social security number, selective service card, or his Certificate of Live Birth since before his first election and the numerous other problems related to his identity. We have notified our elected officials and news media of the fraud and they can only spiel a bunch of birther blather, much ado that signifies disinformation. The silence has spoken. Our govt is infiltrated and controlled by people that use fraud to dominate power, and they are using that power to silence opposition. They have succeeded. They have even silenced us. We have, for the most part, allowed the frauds to continue unabated. We are not exposing the lies of Democrats who are actively out to destroy us. The domination and lies healthcare will have on us, the attacks through the IRS, the working to take guns away from law abiding citizens, and you can think of more than this. We are acquiescing to silencing from socialists that have shoved Obama and his minions on the USA through fraud. Why are we ignoring this? It is time for us to re-evaluate our silence on this. It is time for us to plaster the truth from here to doomsday about the fraud of Barack Obama. We already have so much proof of this fraud, but we need to put it out. The major media has been silenced by the govt. The govt run NSA already has trolls out spying on us as well. The Internet is going to be next in the silencing. If you want the truth out and Obama exposed for something, re-evaluate your silence on this. Many voices are needed. This video is short and to the point. It is an excellent introduction to the problems in the Birth certificate. Anybody that knows nothing about pdf files or Adobe Illustrator can follow and understand why it is a fraud. It6 is less than 10 minutes. It is time for a Duck Dynasty style media blitz to expose the fraud of Barack Obama. Most Americans have become victim to the silencing tactics of the communists that have infiltrated the American way of life and the Democratic Party. I am not saying the Republicans are not infiltrated. Public awareness and demand desperately needs to be created. Start this campaign before they win by more fraud in 2014. I think it will be to late then. https://youtube/watch?v=7s9StxsFllY
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 00:23:27 +0000

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