To many times over the past year i have felt like a total failure. - TopicsExpress


To many times over the past year i have felt like a total failure. Things have happened in my life that i wouldnt wish on anyone. I still blame myself for something that i really know i couldnt of stopped. However i fill myself with what if possibilities all the time. If i would of done this or that maybe it would be different now. At certain points i dont even want to get out of bed. I go through points where i wish i wasnt even alive( dont freak out i wouldnt do it) i know you all have seen my posts and i know it worries some of you to the point my phone wont shut up between texts and calls. To those of you that do that Thank you and i love you. Well today i was listening to music and ran across this song. I have decided it is my new theme song. Every time i feel down i am going to play it... It just makes me realize i do have a purpose in life and its not to feel sorry for myself for things i cant change. I am here for a reason even when i dont know what it is there is a reason. Thank you to the ones who havent given up on me when i gave up on myself so many times. I love you all so much.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 22:02:35 +0000

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