To me, this is shocking and horrifying that this happened on - TopicsExpress


To me, this is shocking and horrifying that this happened on American soil. Many have said that Islam is not a violent religion, that the Quran promotes peace, and that only a small amount of Muslims believe in the radical ideals. These are all false. I myself have read the Quran and its a violent book, and Allah is a violent bloodthirsty demon. In the quran, youre encouraged to kill all jews. In the quran, youre told to kill all who disagree with you. In the quran, youre told anyone who leaves your religion must die. In the quran, Allah instructs all of his loyal followers to strike terror in the hearts of infidels by striking them above the neck and chopping off their fingers. These are not isolated, taken out of context verses. Islam is violence. If you do not believe me, read their holy book. The verses that we hear about that promote peace are isolated and taken out of context. Let me be clear, the quran teaches and the belief of Islam is that there will be no peace while Jews live. Were talking about a book that commands its readers to commit international genocide. There are peaceful Muslims, yes, but they are not true to their quran, and they are not the majority by any means. A poll was done in Egypt where the question was asked Is death a suitable punishment for someone who leaves Islam? and 80 PERCENT SAID YES. There are beheading in Mecca with increasing frequency. In Palestine controlled Bethlehem, a man cut his wives throat in public and was only punished for disturbing the peace. Not murder. Even now, the radicals that have remained quite in America are stirring. Im afraid there are going to be many more instances like this, but were busy keeping up with the Kardashians (spell?) or whatever celebrity news is being puked upon us. I honestly can not believe this is not getting more airtime. Understand. The radicals are not just in mosk anymore. They are in the military. They are in our universities. They are in our childrens schools. They are our neighbors. I want to end with this. We, as Christians I mean, do NOT WAR with flesh and blood. Our battle is spiritual and is done on our knees and in our hears. No Muslim is your enemy, but allah is. We are at war with their ideals, and their faith. Now is the time to be sober minded and praying with out ceasing. Be weary of the times, many many have warned for many years of what is coming and what is coming upon us now. I do not think any of us can say we were not warned. I see this has the first waves of the coming tide of violence that our country is about to be immersed in. foxnewsinsider/2014/09/26/witnesses-suspect-ok-workplace-beheading-tried-convert-coworkers-islam
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 13:59:58 +0000

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