To my FarceBook Friends: I have decided to leave the TRACKING - TopicsExpress


To my FarceBook Friends: I have decided to leave the TRACKING AGENCY known to me as FarceBook. This is not a repudiation in any way of any friends I have on FarceBook, it just means I am leaving this forum. As most of you know I make no secret as to where I work so by all means, if youre in the area of STEVENS BICYCLES in Clovis please feel free to stop by and check my status in THE HERE AND NOW, then when we see each other eye to eye there will be no questions of sincerity. As the years go by, we seem more and more beholden to social media and TECHNOLOGY for most of OUR communications between one another, whether by text, instagram, FarceBook or whatever your forum of choice may be. But once you come to realize all these entities are just tracking and then shaping us to conform to THEIR percieved norms you then see what a FARCE all this is (Im not one who likes to be molded to the conformity of MATERIALISM and BEHOLDEN to SHALLOW PERSONALITIES, either in POLITICS or in the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY). All these things, BY DESIGN, are intended to distract and misdirect you from what is REAL and what we PERCIEVE to be real. There is a VEIL being pulled over our EYES and until WE decide to lift it, we will always be DUPED by it and in the end BEHOLDEN to it. The PERCEPTION is that ALL IS WELL so long as I Get to work on time, get little Billy to soccer, have the right clothes, the right cars, as long as my team beats your team, etc, etc. In TRUTH these are distractions to keep us from realizing that spiritually we are SICK. Our very existance is in the pursuit of MATERIAL wealth and we forget that there are TWO components of our existance here on Planet Earth, the PHYISICAL and the SPIRITUAL. One cannot live in HARMONY with out nurturing both. While we focus on the physical we lose touch with what TRUE spirituality is, look into your hearts, for the heart does not LIE and is the one thing that cannot be CONTROLLED from the outside. Not to be confused with RELIGION, which in and of itself is a system of control whether for PEACE or for WAR, Spirituality is found with in onself. Just look into the religions of the world, and then delve with in any given religion and you find STRIFE. Protestants dont like Catholics who dont like the Lutherans who dont like Pentacosts who dont like Mormons, etc. Then collectively they dont like the Muslims, who even with in themselves, the Shiite dont like the Sunni and collectively, in general dont like or tolerate any other religions (just look at current events). We here in the United States are blessed to live in a land where we are still able to follow our hearts, but be warned, they are eroding that FREEDOM every day. Every day we TRADE our freedoms for a FALSE promise of security. They cry The Earth is cooling/warmin/changing therefore we must RESTRICT you from... This guy just went and shot up a school therefore we must restrict YOU... I could keep going but no time or space, but you get the picture. Dont give up YOUR FREEDOMS for their false sense of SECURITY, They will never deliver as it is strife that makes THEIR world go round, and it all boils down to FOR THE LOVE AND CONTROL OF MONEY. Money has NO real VALUE, remember that, MONEY HAS NO REAL VALUE. Its a MISPERCEPTION, it is PAPER just being shuffled around and is in reality another form of CONTROL of the human MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT. In closing, lest I go on ad nauseum, I would first like to say, I truly enjoyed getting back in touch with those of my friends whom through previous experiences we formed our bonds. Likewise to Family members I otherwise would not have been in contact as well as to my amny new friends whom I have shared some of my latest exploits with. To all of YOU who I may have POd with my postings I send my apologies, and apologies to any who are angered by me whether justly or otherwise. To those who I have expressed consternation and bad vibes I in turn ask you to forgive ME for life is to short to harbour such negative energies (Let it go). Live LIFE as intended, and free yourselves of the BONDAGE being perpetrated on you by those in the BANKING and ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRIES they are perpetrating FRAUD on a GLOBAL SCALE and using the entertainment industry to distract and blind you from the TRUTH. ALWAYS SEEK TRUTH AND IT WILL FIND YOU Hasta Pasta, Geo
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 20:41:09 +0000

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