To my beautiful, witty, sarcastic, loving daughter, Taylor Odom, - TopicsExpress


To my beautiful, witty, sarcastic, loving daughter, Taylor Odom, on the eve of your 13th birthday... This is the day youve been waiting on and its almost here! In just a few short hours, at approximately 9:15am, you will begin your journey between childhood and womanhood. Man...where did the time go?? As I sit here typing this message, you are in your room with the music blasting!! It used to be where I couldnt get you off of my hip or my toes, now I can barely get you to even speak (at times) I truly am amazed by how much youve grown in the last year. There are just a few things I want you to know as you begin you journey from childhood to womanhood: 1. PRAY often. Never, ever doubt your relationship with The Lord. Please know that hes always there and is always listening and looking out for you. 2. LOVE your family. Your dad and I will always have your back no matter what your circumstances may be. Continue to be a role model for your sissy, and be her #1 fan. Saying I love you never gets old. 3. Always maintain RESPECT. Treat others the way you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you. Remember that you are better than no one and no one is better than you. 4. Set GOALS and always try your best to accomplish them. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. The Lord already knows your journey; if he brings you to it, then he will pull you through it. 5. Do what makes you HAPPY. Do not be afraid to say no. You will be put through trials and tribulations, and you may not always make the best decision. Remember, nothing is wrong with making a mistake if you learn by it. 6. Never JUDGE, for that is The Lords job. Everybody is not gonna like you and youre not gonna like everybody. 7. Be everyone! And yes, that includes your sister. People tend to follow by example. 8. LAUGH often...its healthy! Continue to be your witty, outgoing, crazy self. Dance around the house often and sing to the top of your lungs in the shower! 9. Have no REGRETS. Cherish every moment of life. Embellish in the friends youve made and the friends youve yet to make. Find what you love, and get paid to do it. Surround yourself with people who you love. 10. Never be AFRAID to come to your parents with anything. As Ive said before, we will help you through whatever it is. It may not be what you want to hear, but it will be whats best for you at the time. 11. Stay BEAUTIFUL. Beauty comes from within. Be generous, be sincere, but never be a pushover. Stand up for yourself girl! Love your friends and family for their inner beauty. 12. STUDY hard, but WORK harder. No one ever said life was easy. It will get more complicated. Dont waste it on negative thoughts, but rather positive things that you can do for yourself or others. 13. On oh my...where do I start??? They will like you, be sincere to you, be goofy towards you, but they are boys. Its what they do! Enjoy the puppy crushes. True love will come in Gods time. Never settle for less than you deserve. Be yourself, and the rest will follow. So, my teenager, on your 13th birthday I wish you all of the above. I wish for your life ahead to be abundantly blessed with all the good things in life. I wish you good health and many happy days. My hope for you is that the journey is as peaceable as possible. I hope that you keep yourself whole and grounded through this transition. I will be with you every step of the way. I love you more than you love softball...#3 Mama
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 04:09:35 +0000

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