To my brothers and sisters in the Lord: Lets take a moment today - TopicsExpress


To my brothers and sisters in the Lord: Lets take a moment today to ask ourselves a question? Is our faith truly alive? The Bible says faith without works is dead. I have sat back many times and watched as we offer up a quick prayer for our brothers and sisters. Prayer is essential! It Is powerful and it is vital! But at times we are missing something else that Is necessary in functioning as a body and reaching out to the world. That something is action and that something is discipleship! We can evangelize the world. We can have 10,000 folks say the sinners prayer, but then what? Do we take the time to truly get involved in their lives? Do we share in their day to day suffering? Do we know anything beyond what we see of them on Sunday morning? Dont get me wrong..I do know folks who are doing this very thing, but unfortunately they are rare. Why? Because it takes time. Because it is sometimes painful and because it requires giving of ourselves. Basically, because it is hard! We tend to be a very selfish and me focused society. We want things and we want them now. Unfortunately there is no drive thru line for spiritual growth. It takes time, patience, and perseverance. However, the pay off for coming alongside someone and watching them blossom into the beautiful man or woman God has designed them to be is priceless. Next time you find yourself offering up a quick prayer for someone or promising to pray for them, stop for just a moment and ask yourself..what can I do to help? Its not always about money or finances. Maybe they need a friend or a listening ear. It could be a multitude of things, but likely there is something you can offer them no matter how small. WE are the body of Christ my friends! Lets stop praying and waiting for someone else to do the job when we can!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 22:40:22 +0000

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