To my dearest Frenzie Dionne Escalada, Firstly, I want you to - TopicsExpress


To my dearest Frenzie Dionne Escalada, Firstly, I want you to know how proud I am of you. You’re brave, bright, brilliant and beautiful. You impress and amaze me every day. I know we haven’t had the smoothest of rides and things have been unfathomably tough for the past few years. I am sorry that I haven’t been able to fix what was broken and make it all better. I am sorry for what was lost and what we can’t get back. It isn’t fair and it isn’t right and you deserve so much more. I am sorry that it hasn’t been ideal, but hopefully it has been clear that you are loved beyond measure. It is my deepest wish that you have a life filled with wonder, joy, magic and possibility. I have a few things I want to share with you. Things I hope will help you make good decisions and make a happy life. It doesn’t matter to me what you choose as a career or where that takes you, it doesn’t matter to me if you make millions or live simply, what matters most is that you build a life that feeds your soul. * When making big decisions, ask yourself, “Will this bring me joy?” If the answer is no, make a different choice. * You are beautiful. Don’t doubt that for a second. Don’t let anyone make you feel differently. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and celebrate you. Kick the haters to the curb. * You deserve to be cherished. You are exceptional. Don’t underestimate your worth. Don’t give yourself away or sell yourself short. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of respect. You are worthy. * Don’t be in a hurry to grow up. Life isn’t a race. You don’t have to settle for Mr. Right Now, because Mr. Right is out there and when he finds you, he is going to thank the universe that you exist. Trust me, real love is worth waiting for, you are worth waiting for and anything else will pale in comparison. * You will fall in love. You will be blissfully happy. You may have your heart broken. It will feel as if you can’t breathe. You will wonder if you’ll every smile again. You will. Trust me. And if you need a shoulder or an ear, I’ll be there. * You are not alone. You are never alone. No matter where you are, no matter how lonely you might feel, you are loved. * Just because it feels good, doesn’t mean it’s right. A cheap thrill is not worth losing your dignity, self respect or long term happiness. Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for not making bad choices. You’re smarter than that. Make good choices. * Don’t take it all so seriously, it’s just life. You write the story. Write a good one, you deserve it. * Risk. Dare. Dream. Live out loud. Take the side roads and choose the adventures. You’ll be glad you did. * It’s none of your business what other people think about you. You don’t have to own their insecurities or accept their mythologies. Anyone who doesn’t see how fabulous you are isn’t worth your time. * Never be afraid to speak your truth. * Never be afraid to quit, walk away, make a different choice. You are never stuck because at every moment you are free to choose something different. If life gets too hard, if things feel impossible, if you need shelter from the storm…you always have a home and an open invitation. I love you unconditionally, you never, ever have to be afraid to ask for my help. There is absolutely nothing you can do that could make me stop loving you. * Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Don’t be afraid to fail. A life worth living will include a few regrets. Even the worst crap can be the fertilizer that helps you grow and bloom. * True happiness begins with loving yourself. Do whatever it takes to let go of that voice that tells you you’re not good enough or smart enough or beautiful enough because, you are. Everything you need to be happy is within you. You are exceptional. * You get that upon which you focus, focus on the good things. Let go of the bad things. Know that you can’t control anyone else, but you can control your choices and reactions. * Life is a series of choices, consequences and reactions to the consequences of your choices. You are defined by the way you react to the consequences of your choices. Make good choices and when you don’t, try not to beat yourself up. We all make bad choices sometimes. Just keep moving forward. * It’s okay to be sad, try to let it wash over you and then let it go. Don’t hold on to sadness or anger, always trust the Lord in everything you do. Be strong always we are here to support you in all your undertakings, papa Jojo Escalada and me loves you so much. Love, Mama Jinky
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:16:52 +0000

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