To my family, friends and followers, Since June when I - TopicsExpress


To my family, friends and followers, Since June when I decided to give my heart to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ most would consider me to be a Holy rolling Bible thumper and this may be true -- however I prefer to use the term faithful servant. When I gave my heart to God, I gave Him all of my sins, my hurts, my doubts, my anger, my sickness, every burden deep down inside of me I laid it out to Him to forgive me and accept me as His child, from that moment on I placed it all in His loving hands. I never knew how life changing that would be. I became ignited inside with a burning desire, it was a fire, a craving to know about our Father, Son and The Holy Spirit -- I had a Passion for Christ! With this passion I learned the more I followed through with what God was telling me to do the more He worked inside of me - AMAZING! The more grace I received, more peace and love I felt. In this time I decided to delete my FB, that lasted 3 days. God spoke unto me and said Use it for the greater good, use it to spread my word, many dont understand! Made sense to me, because I never understood either. So, I did. I would pray, read my devotions every morning and if God put it on my heart that someone needed to hear it, then I would share it, if not then I didnt and somedays He would give me something completely different to share. But the point is I did it all for God -- it was told to me by God to do so, so I did it. I get such enjoyment of sharing Gods word and messages with all of my friends and family but now He is telling me its time to take a break. I have a lot of things going on where I need to give my full attention and focus to God and He is telling me to move on, but I will be back. For how long Im not sure but definitely not until He says its time. So as a faithful servant I am going to be taking a break. I will not be deactivating my account, just deleting the app from my phone, I will be doing this tonight before I go to bed. I am keeping my messenger app so for those of you who need me can contact me, whether it be for a daily message from God, a prayer concern or a question, I will am still here. I encourage all believers to keep the Word of God alive, for our God is very much alive through us ALL! Pray for those who you may not know them and for those who do, but most importantly remember God loves each and every one of you. See you soon -- God Bless!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 13:34:24 +0000

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