To my friends and acquaintances who either “know” me, or just - TopicsExpress


To my friends and acquaintances who either “know” me, or just “gets” my sense of humor, no need for you guys to waste your time to read this. However……. Dear Facebook Ninjas, There is so much that I could say to you all, but I choose to keep it holy. If you don’t know me well enough to know my personality and /or my sense of humor, and you are too cowardly...... I mean uncomfortable to ask ME directly about anything that may concern you or you just don’t understand….. then perhaps we shouldn’t be Facebook friends. If I’m having fun with a post because I want to make people laugh or smile about something silly I’ve said, it’s very likely that I’m going to use some level of sarcasm, wit or dry humor. Most folks with common sense get it; and then occasionally there’s someone like you guys. If you’re not up on current events, and don’t understand the play on words in regard to the Ray Rice/ Roger Goodell post, then you could have very simply come to me or inboxed me to ask what I meant by that. Who is really that clueless to actually think that if my husband were beating me….. that I’d post it on Facebook... and in such a cavalier manner? Really? Hel-loooo? …………..(knocking on your forehead)……… is anybody home??? It was a sarcastic jooooke, and anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock understood that when I started the post about Roger Goodells’ job being on the line because Ray Rice hit his girl. That’s why the “common sensers” were responding with “laughter”….. and not gasping in shock and awe because I had just revealed some tragedy. Most of my posts are for fun and not to be mean spirited or hurtful. They are usually just about something connected to our everyday lives, or what we are experiencing socially or culturally.... with a silly twist to it. Smh…… So to be very clear, my husband doesn’t beat me… nor does his boss beat his wife since you screwed the whole joke up and took it out of context. My husband is a very kind man, he prides himself in taking care of his family and has always been very good to me Einstien. So go run and tell that! And while you’re at it, maybe you might wanna mention the post where I requested prayer for the little girl who has cancer, or the post about my heart aching for Mike Browns Mother, or asking people to donate to ANY worthy cause via the ice bucket challenge,…… oh how about when I showed love to the beautiful African American boys little league baseball team who won the world series, or my tribute(s) to my awesome mother and my fantastic childhood? Oh wait…. How bout when I tried to rally as many people as I could connect with to petition God for the young couple who suddenly lost their newborn baby girl? That’s just to name a few. Did you MISS all of those?? Because to my understanding you’ve NEVER gone back and told about any of those posts. Stop trying to police my facebook page through my job and my church. It makes you MESSY, and it makes you a BUSYBODY…… which are not characteristic of kingdom citizens. I am a nice girl, and I am approachable. If you have a question about what I post, I will be more than happy to discuss it with you if you feel “concerned” about something you may not understand. No need to ask my boss….. he’s not even on Facebook. Otherwise, do us both a favor and unfriend me. Matter o’ fact…. BLOCK ME! : ) I’ll still love you in Jesus name
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 01:55:59 +0000

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