To our Anonymous Friend, I am posting this message on Facebook, - TopicsExpress


To our Anonymous Friend, I am posting this message on Facebook, in the hopes of reaching out to an anonymous friend who decided to help our family. I want to say thank you and pray that perhaps this note will find its way to whoever helped us this morning. From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful. We have been faced with some significant financial stresses recently that have been quite overwhelming to our family of late. Your gift to our family will never be forgotten and was truly an answer to our prayers. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you! After being laid off last December, I was very fortunate to find a good job to continue providing for the financial needs of my family. Unfortunately, while my new job has great potential for the future, our family’s current income has almost been cut in half since my lay off last December. As a result, we have struggled to meet our financial obligations. A couple of weeks ago, my son was hit by a semi-truck while traveling with his friend KaSandra Nordgren. We are so grateful that neither one of them was injured. Their safety during a collision with a Semi-Truck was a miracle. Unfortunately, our van was totaled and we are yet to be able to replace it. At about the same time, our son’s car was having brake issues and had to be repaired. We need this other vehicle so that Kirsten and I can both get to work and so that the kids can all get to school and their other multiple obligations. In an effort to save money, Jake and I attempted to fix the problem ourselves, replacing the rotors and brake pads on the front and back of his car, believing that warped rotors had to be the problem. We were devastated to find that the new rotors and pads did not fix the problem and decided that this problem was going to require the expertise of an auto-mechanic. We took it to Erda Auto Shop 4 Less. The problem was also puzzling to the mechanics that attempted to fix the problem with the brakes. Knowing that I had already replaced the brake pads and rotors front and back, the shop found and replaced a bent/warped wheel hub and wheel bearing believing that perhaps this would fix the problem. Unfortunately, this did not fix the problem either. So they investigated the ABS system. The ABS is fine. From that point, they checked everything, looking for abnormal run-outs or problems of any kind. They did a thorough investigation of the brakes top to bottom and found nothing wrong and could not determine the cause of the heavy pulsing/vibration that would occur while breaking. I had all but given up and had planned to call them and pick it up this morning as we can not live without this vehicle any longer. Just before I had planned to call them this morning, I received a call from Russell at Erda Auto Shop 4 Less. He told me that they had fixed the problem! The brakes were repaired! I asked them what they had done to repair them and as he listed all of the work that they did in their troubleshooting and repair work, I began to become quite stressed due to the significant costs that I new would have been associated with such significant work (including re-replacing the rotors and brake pads that Jake and I had just replaced - It turns out that one of the rotors that we had purchased and installed was bad from the factory and coincidentally resulted in a similar violent pulsation that was occurring prior to the installation of the new rotors). As the Erda Auto Shop 4 Less owner continued to tell me of all the work that they had done on the car, I was grateful that the problem was fixed, but I was very concerned because I had not authorized such an extensive amount of work and did not know how I would pay for it. When he completed telling me of the work that they had done to fix the problem, I feared the worst, until my prayers were answered. He said that another customer had covered the costs of our repairs. Thinking that I had misunderstood him, I asked him what we owed for the work that they had done. He told me, “that our bill for the labor had been covered.” I still, unbelieving, thought that perhaps they were being generous and that they weren’t charging us for some of the work that I hadn’t authorized, asked what I owed for the work that I had authorized previously. I was again told, that an another individual, wishing to remain anonymous had come in and paid for all of the repairs. This has been a very hard week for our family. This small miracle caused emotions to swell from deep within my soul as I felt a small burden lifted from my shoulders. I am truly grateful as is my family. To whomever you are, I sincerely hope that you know how grateful we are for the assistance that you have given to our family. This has been another small evidence to our family that Heavenly Father cares about our family and answers our prayers sometimes through acts of kindness of those around us. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you. Bryce, Kirsten, Taylor, Jake , Amber & Shauna Graves
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 21:27:17 +0000

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