To prevent, reverse, and heal yourself of virtually any bodily - TopicsExpress


To prevent, reverse, and heal yourself of virtually any bodily dis~ease, it is vital that you remove the acidity and blockages from your sysyem. This requires you to seriously analyze what you eat, drink, breathe, put on your skin, think, how you sleep, how much full body sunshine you get, and how you move your body. The main culprit for diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, eczema, rosacea, etcetera, is our diet! Humans are WAY WAAAY off track from the foods they are naturally designed to consume. Foods like cooked animals, pasteurized homogenized glow in the dark cow dairy, stripped white breads and pastas, cooked grains, canned foods void of living enzymes, and all packaged foods, create acidity and stagnancy in the colon, which over time effects your other organs and glands, pollutes, and eats away at them. Now we all have different constitutions and genetics, and thus is where genes play a role in where and what type of disorder you will develop-- the weakest genetic areas of your body will be the first to succumb to the barrage of toxic pollutants that that you give it. There are a thousand different dis-eases but really only a couple causes, and where you develop an issue is determined by a combination of bodily toxicity and the weakest link in YOUR particular body. It all comes down to ACIDS that literally eat away at your inner tissues and cause cellular mutations (cancer is a bunch of sick, acidic, retarded cells reproducing sick acidic retarded offspring!). These acids are any and all types of pollutants from what eating the wrong foods, breathing polluted air, smoking, drinking dirty tap water, stressing out (creates acidic wastes), poor sleep, and toxic hygienic products such as mainstream toothpastes, LOTIONS!!!, hair products, bath soaps, make up, and the list goes on. If you cant eat it, do not put it on your skin!!! What you put on your skin gets absorbed into your body and is slowly compounding your toxicity levels, making you sick. The CURE is to purify your entire lifestyle and stop consuming junk. If you already have cancer and youd like to reverse it and get healthy, go on a series of several 20-40 day organic dark grape fasts, or melon fasts... Any fruit with high water content. Eat simply so that the body can get to work cleaning itself OUT. Alongside fruit fasting and fresh green juice fasting, specific herbs are extremely beneficial in expediting the process. Colon cleansing, and herbs that support proper kidney, adrenal, and lymphatic function are KEY. Immediately toss out any bath/beauty product that you wouldnt feel comfortable EATING or drinking!!! Get plenty of rest and sleep, move your body as much as you feel inclined and comfortable, drink the purest water you can get your hands on, breathe clean, pure air as much ad possible, (get an indoor air purifier), take time to relax, meditate, take up a fulfilling hobby, smile, laugh, have fun, quit your job if its killing you mentally or emotionally, soak.up the sun on as much of your bare skin as possible, etc etc... If you would like to learn more aboit how to heal, purify, and save yours or a friend or family members life, please private message me and we can discuss your needs/goals. Whether you want to lose a few pounds or heal yourself of cancer or diabetes, it IS possible through proper lifestyle choices. The transition may be a shock and seem scary at first, but once you dive in it becomes FUN learning a whole new way of being. My consults/coaching is not free, however I always am to work within budget constraints. There is nothing more important to me than helping people regain their health and vibrancy, and finances should never be in the way of saving a life. Message me if you are interested in the I highest levels of healing and regeneration of the human organism. :)
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 01:16:49 +0000

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