To set people straight...on the definition of - TopicsExpress


To set people straight...on the definition of Socialism: Definition: Socialism is a political term applied to an economic system in which property is held in common and not individually, and relationships are governed by a political hierarchy. Common ownership doesnt mean decisions are made collectively, however. Instead, individuals in positions of authority make decisions in the name of the collective group. Regardless of the picture painted of socialism by its proponents, it ultimately removes group decision making in favor of the choices of one all-important individual. Socialism originally involved the replacement of private property with a market exchange, but history has proven this ineffective. socialism cannot prevent people from competing for what is scarce. Socialism as we know it today, most commonly refers to market socialism, which involves individual market exchanges organized by collective planning. People often confuse socialism with the concept of communism. While the two ideologies share much in common -- in in fact communism encompasses socialism -- the primary difference between the two is that socialism applies to economic systems, whereas communism applies to both economic and political systems. Another difference between socialism and communism is that communists directly oppose the concept of capitalism, an economic system in which production is controlled by private interests. Socialists, on the other hand, believe socialism can exist within a capitalist society. On the other side of the coin...we have Capitalism...wheras large corporations control the govt. As they do in America. They control the ecnomy and funnel the largest mass of weath to themselves, while paying less than their fair share of tax....and keeping the workers in a state of living on the edge...where they are basically dependent on the companies for their very existence...but poorly compensated, Teddy Roosevelt did much to even the playing field in the early twentieth eliminate the corporate stranglehold on the working class. He fought for adequate wages..benefits..labor unions and labor regulations. Prior to his term in office..the corporations and large tycoon ruled America.....Today we are seing thise large corporations taking that control back....little by little. TR believed the govt should look out for the taxpayers...the working they are the very backbone of this nation. He had great ideals. and his values were well placed. We need somebody like him today.....who puts values over profit and wealth.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 17:18:45 +0000

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