To start with I know people are well meaning and that for decades - TopicsExpress


To start with I know people are well meaning and that for decades my spiritual expression was primarily a devotion to my inner world. As a life long mystic, a professional psychic since 95 and now an ordained minister I am well aware of the necessity and benefits of personal renewal through inwardly directed processes and meditation practices. But is that enough? I was not prepared for a reaction from others that repeated itself as I began to promote screenings of BC intentional community member Josh del Sol’s documentary ‘Take Back Your Power’, a timely and startling in depth investigation of the multifaceted smart grid that is being imposed on us globally. I had not expected that people who prided themselves on their spiritual awareness would tell me ‘just raise your vibrations’, ‘don’t focus on the negative’, and my favorite from a would be New Age leader who has so many facebook friends that one can now only follow her ‘You need to get into the Vortex NOW!’ How has it happened that pursuing an active Dharma to serve, to inform, to assist in making our world a better place is seen as some sort of spiritual failure? What happened to active spirituality, you know, the commitment to act responsibly to alleviate suffering that in addition to simple compassion offers information and the empowerment to make a difference and to tell the bullies to stop? Why is my resistance to the massive lies, bullying, greed and extortion of a large corporation seen as a problem I should ‘just release’? How is it that well meaning people can stand by believing it unspiritual to speak up when our rights are eroded and the health, privacy and safety of us all are endangered? Has active spirituality become socially incorrect, would the dedication of a Schweitzer now be archaic and outmoded? Perhaps the call to do the right thing, to act substantially to lessen human ignorance and suffering died with Mother Theresa. Did Gandhis call to the masses of India to act nonviolently and to persist to act mean nothing? Perhaps we have been called to live in times that as Churchill said, “It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required.”
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 05:09:12 +0000

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