To the 2 bullies who hurt and jumped my god son off the bus - TopicsExpress


To the 2 bullies who hurt and jumped my god son off the bus Wednesday Night.....You know you hurt him really bad....He has to where a splint and has to be taken to CHEO next Thursday and possibly be put in a cast for 6 to 8 weeks....You have ruined his curling and his christmas play he was supposed to take part in school next Thursday because this is the only appointment he could get with the specialist before Christmas.....We are still going to attempt to go tree hunting on Sunday but he will be limited what he can do.....To the parents Why dont you care your kids did this? kids under the age off 11 can get away with just about anything, someone has to be held responsiablre for these kids actions...How do we stop this bullying people? How can we try and prevent kids from getting injured like my god son did or something worse happening? If you are against bullying which I know most of you are, and feel someone should be responsiable for these kids actions.. like this comment..Lets show people we will not tolerate this...Maybe the backlash of people agreeing may help in preventing this to happen to someone else in the future and stiffen up laws and penalties to bullies and parents of under age bullies...He did nothing wrong....They got off the bus pushed him in a ditch, the other stopped him from running away and he was kicked and punched...Please parents educate your kids on bullying and the damage it can do to another human being because something worse could happen then a fractured finger...even if its not takin care of right away it could prevent proper growing...Please everyone make your kids aware and like my comment to stand up to bullying and to make bullies and under aged ones parents responsiable for there actions..I dont think i;m asking for much...We have to change this protect everyone...This has to start somewhere...Thank you
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 03:37:07 +0000

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