To the lovely ladies in the gym tonight - yes, the ones sporting - TopicsExpress


To the lovely ladies in the gym tonight - yes, the ones sporting the new lifting gloves, the generic workout clothes that makes you look like you are serious about getting tone and getting down to your High School weight and size this time yes, the ladies who snarled at me & my husband nearly our entire bench session... the ones who oh my god, like totally flipped out when I slammed the weight in the rack on my second rep of 275 pounds... I was genuinely sorry for disturbing your curl session, and even more sorry for intimidating you with the force in which I did my reps and racked my weight - I admit it was loud, even for a meat-head gym... But.. I am NOT sorry for my enthusiasm when I bench pressed a weight your husband/boyfriend could only dream about TWICE... I am NOT sorry for getting excited about an achievement that took me nearly 20 years to accomplish - 17 of those years were wasted worrying about what people like you would think about a girl like me... 3 of those years were spent finally not giving a rats@ss and doing it anyway. Now I applaud you for stepping into the gym and trying to better yourself, but dont be so narrow minded to think I want the same thing as you. You see, 3 years ago I WAS thinner than my high school weight, I was a pretty little feminine girl, and I WAS 100 pounds lighter after a very strict diet that left me thin, weak, and unhappy. I probably fit into YOUR high school jeans, but it did not make me happy. You see not every woman in a gym is there to be thin, lean, and oh so hot. Some of us are working on something greater than that. Yeah, I can stand to lose a little bit of weight and Im working on that too, but dont be a snob toward me just because you dont understand my goals. My intention is not to intimidate you, if anything I hope to inspire you to do something greater than just getting lean - have a goal, train for something, cheer on other ladies trying to lift weights, and for god sakes ditch the gloves!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 03:17:10 +0000

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