To the middle aged woman with her young son who was shopping at - TopicsExpress


To the middle aged woman with her young son who was shopping at the Neenah Walmart this afternoon, and approached my daughter, who was also shopping with her 13 month old daughter: THANK YOU. Thank you for showing my daughter how amazing she really is. Thank you for walking towards her while looking at her left hand and noticing there was not a wedding ring, and clearly judging, while feeling comfortable enough to offer her the guidance of your church, and for the offering to bring Christ into her life. I am sorry that you might have felt a little uncomfortable when my daughter said Thank you, however we have a church which we are very happy with. And nicely referred to the fact that she had noticed that you had look directly at her left hand while approaching her and made the judgement that she was not married. After all, you are a mother, and brought your young son with you to this conversation. I ASSUME, although, I do not know, because I do not know you, nor do you know my daughter or myself; you MIGHT have believed that you were offering a good deed and might have even BELIEVED that you were teaching your son the right ways in life. I ASSUME, that when you walked away, a bit scattered at the maturity of my daughters response, you might not have been able to answer your sons questions as to what had just taken place. Just a few thoughts: WHAT IF the young woman that you approached is happily married, and had been doing dishes and taken her ring off, and forgot to put it back on before running with her daughter to the store? Possibility? Yes. WHAT IF this young woman that you approached had been dealing with the fact that the father of her child is away at war, or possibly even had died while she was pregnant with their child? Possibility? Yes. Truly, you deserve no explanation or information about her life on any level, however, I thought maybe this might help you with answer questions that your OWN children might have, which are yours to raise. God CHOSE my daughter to be this little girls mother. He chose this young woman who is a full time college student, has her own town home, has worked full time for 5 years for an incredible company, will graduate with her Bachelors Degree in Business in 2 years, and somehow spends more quality time with her daughter than so many mothers do with their own children. Guess what else?! Her daughter has a wonderful father who is in love with my daughter and graduating with his Bachelors Degree from UW Madison in May. My granddaughter has grandparents and great grandparents, Uncles and Aunts, on both her mother and fathers side, who are all very supportive, and realize what a gift this child is. After all, arent we taught that god has a plan for all of us, and not to question, yet surrender and trust in his plan? Perhaps your Christian Church has bibles different from ours??biblehub/psalms/127-3.htm “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven. Luke 6:37 (NLT) And finally, I remind you, the woman who approached my daughter today: John 8:7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again, thank you for showing my daughter that she is doing the right thing and from me, her mother, I could not be more proud of what an amazing young woman that her father and I have raised.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 00:20:43 +0000

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