To those who get kicked in the teeth when down, I think its time - TopicsExpress


To those who get kicked in the teeth when down, I think its time to rise up against these bureaucratic bigots and make them realize that nobody who works 40+ hours a week should have to play Pay this now, Pay that later. Just in order to keep the lights on or keep the water running or even put food in the house. No we dont need to raise the minimum wage. No not at all. No we dont need to have a TRUE open market economy where global conglomerates cant run every aspect of our daily lives. I mean seriously why is it if you bust your butt doing everything you can to provide for your family that you still get bent over in the end?! Why cant our government realize that theyre the ones who are crippling the working class citizen. People cant work where they could make more money because of lack of higher education. Higher education gives you the opportunity but slaps you with student loan debt for the rest of your life. You want to make more money at a place that is further away from where you are now but you cant afford the $4.00 (or higher) gallon of case that you need for the commute. You cant afford the cost of relocation because the housing market took a major hit and now everyone is overcharging for decent property. The places you can afford are a piece of crap. So what do you do, you work where its convenient, not making enough money to survive, and living the American Dream paycheck to paycheck praying the next bill you open is not a disconnection notice and praying that one day youll be able to say WOW. Ive paid all of my bills, my family is fed, and I still have money left. So this is what it feels like to actually live and not just survive. *steps down off his soap box* To those who read this in its entirety, Thank you. Please feel free to share this. We all need to wake up and take a stand.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 03:57:49 +0000

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