Today, A Christian nation of Pakistan and all over world is in a - TopicsExpress


Today, A Christian nation of Pakistan and all over world is in a great grief after hearing the news about Christian’s alive burning “the story of Shama bibi and shahzad Masih’s” a laborer of Brick kiln by the extremists in the “Rada Kishn village”, district Kasur, Pakistan. All of them are sharing their grief on the face books and emails. Even logical and investigating Muslims are also sad on the “Alive burning Human”, a poor citizen of Pakistan. Pakistan had been already going through great troubles, nature disaster flood, terrorist attacks on churches and Christian villages, and Christian discrimination about the religions prejudice. There are so many different kinds of people who are thinking very positively according to their thoughts, faiths and painful feeling for the young couple who was burnt Alive. Real Facts from think tank and investigating teams about this incident: - So many organizations are working for the interfaith harmony among Christian, Muslim, Jews, Hindus, denominations and sects of all religions. May peace be in lives of human of all religion in Pakistan having their personal faiths and beliefs? But Poor Christian citizen of Pakistan are still victim by the extremists after a long struggle. Religious points of view about this sad incident “Alive burning of human” killed by Pakistani extremists; even Blasphemy case was not proven on the accused couple “ Shama Bibi and Shehzad Masih” in the Law of Government of Pakistan. Did they do any thing wrong against Muslim’s holy Book Quran or not. But extremists did burn them alive without any proof. Mostly Christians are terrified because of this incident that Christians are not safe in Pakistan. Extremists can kill any Christian, as they did kill and make example for all Pakistani Christian to feel fear. Some scholars are thinking that extremists had made this Blasphemy law as license to kill any Christian to reduce Christian generation from Pakistan on the name of Religion. Most of Pakistani Christian scholars are thinking about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). How wonderful teaching of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), He accommodated Christian and Jews merchants in the Mosque, He gave them shelter and food. Mosque is holy place to pray. But now these extremists are making Pakistan more dangerous for Pakistani Christian. Some political persons are demanding rights for Pakistani Christian after long suffering with Muslim before existence of Pakistan. We, as Pakistani Christian are also good citizen who votes for the establishment and existence of Pakistan. We have also same rights to live with free mind as Muslim lives in Pakistan. We are Pakistani national. Treat with us as good citizen above religion boundaries and limitation. How long we will raise Christian dead bodies killed by extremists. Faith is personal matter that leads to the Paradise. But only acts can lead all to paradise. We need Muslim leader’s kind consideration to accept us as good citizen of Pakistan having freedom of our belief as all others had been practicing their faith. Some painful and sensitive people who are too much tired and broken to see bomb attacks on churches, villages, even mosques and religious prejudice but now all see “alive human burning”. They are praying to the God Almighty to open visas for Pakistani Christian to go out from Pakistan for their survival as good human being. Sometime they underestimate their prayers and happiness under terror of extremists. Even most of them had died spiritually and walking like dead because of continual persecution and religious prejudice. Some positive Pakistani Muslim scholars that work for humanity; having burdened with pain for Pakistani Christian citizen and all humans, they are against extremism. They raise voice for the Pakistani Christian; but what they can do, when incidents happened with people. People don’t wait for Justice, Law and God’s grace. They walked ahead of God’s justice. I thank God for “Pakistan Christian Rights” who always raises voice for all Pakistani Christian. Pakistan Christian Rights’ leaders are in foreign having pain for all Pakistani Christian and human to work for them. They pray for the betterment of Pakistan’s situation through their efforts and struggles. They work day and night without time limits for betterment even Pakistan Christian Congress is raising voice before international offices authorities for rights of Pakistani Christian and All human being. Fact of story: - Laborers Shama Bibi and shahzad Masih were working in Brick Kiln factory under the Muslim owner for long time. They earn from Muslim owners for their families. How it is possible, can this Christian couple dare to do any wrong with owner believing Holy Book? Even this couple was under obligation of owner’s loan. They knew that Pakistani Christians are just 5 – 8 percent of Majority according to census of different calculation. They had been living humbly. Pakistani Christian had seen and heard incident of villages and churches had been attacked and bombs blasts. Even this couple was under owner’s loan in the Brick kiln factory. They were under owner morally, socially and economically. They physiologically were serving their master for survival, when servants come in morning to do their job; they give their regard to master and when they finish their job as good bye regarding. They can not be independent anyways; they depend on the owner’s authority for their living. Oh Merciful Heavenly Father God Almighty, the Most High God, Elohim, all people praises and honors you according to their faith. Oh merciful God, you are creator of heaven and earth. We come before your throne of grace and mercy with humble heart in name of Jesus Christ to request for Pakistani Christian nation who is in great grief right now. Oh merciful God, we pray for those extremists to give them understanding about the condition of Pakistan that is under disasters; loans, adversities, plagues even different rulers who could not run it properly because of evil elements, that are destroying sovereignty of Pakistan for someone’ personal causes above national ideology. Oh merciful God, All Pakistani national and internationals foreigners are fed up with the condition of Pakistan, what is going with Pakistan and Pakistani Christian nation? Oh merciful God, give our leaders wisdom to make good rules and regulation for all religions to keep all people in peace and harmony to have fear of Almighty God who ask from all human’s acts above religious prejudices. Oh merciful God, you are God all human being, you did create Adam and Eve; you gave human your image to respect each other. I ask blessings for Pakistani humanity now especially for Pakistani Christian who are suffering in great grief because of alive burning right now, I ask in mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 20:21:34 +0000

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