Today I experienced the grandest act of love... I decided to take - TopicsExpress


Today I experienced the grandest act of love... I decided to take my cat in for x rays although I had seeked professional opinions and they seem to think my cat having contractions for more than 24 hours after birth was completely normal, I couldnt help but have a bad feeling about it. I figured id rather pay the $150 for x rays and just know everything was fine. My step mom came with me for support incase of bad news which I am so grateful for. I ended up finding out my cat had what they call a monster fetus which meant a kitten to large for her to pass and also it had died since so much time had gone by from the last delivered kitten. It also started decomposing in her and was building up pressure due to gas from it decomposing. I feared this news because it meant her having to get a surgery which I knew I couldnt afford. I just broke down and cried. I asked to see the bill anyways and it was a little over $800. They offered no payment plans which left me with no options. I was facing having to get my best friend euthanized inorder to end her suffering which is all I wanted at this point. Wait. They offered me a credit pkan which I wouldnt of qualified I felt completely heart broken and hopeless. Thats when my step mom did the most loving thing I think I have ever experienced and told the vet we would be going ahead with the surgery and pulled out her credit card. I felt speechlesx and began to cry out of happiness. I dont know if you believe in cats being capable of best friend material but they are in my book and especially this one. My step mom had only met my baby today and in tge midst of what seemed an inevitable death my step mom chose to save my cat. It was just the most generous thing and incredibly selfless. I am lucky to have her... today could of ended horrid... but it ended beautifully and I have my best friend and I feel even closer to a loved one and I found an incredible sense of hope I havent delt in a long time♥
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 04:46:24 +0000

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