Today I filed an official complaint and charges against the person - TopicsExpress


Today I filed an official complaint and charges against the person or persons who threatened me on my You Tube channel. I filed a report yesterday online, July 4, 2013, with the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center and received confirmation of that via email at 12:03 P.M. After being advised by the state police on how to proceed with measures, I followed through, filed charges, and gave my deposition today in the Jasper County Sherriff’s Department. Threatening to kill someone, rape, or do body injury on the internet is a Felony 3 crime under the title of “ONLINE HARASSMENT.” It carries a penalty of 2 – 10 years imprisonment with a $10,000 fine. Since the internet can be tracked anywhere in the world, people can be found easily. A recent incident of a Texas 19 year old male who posted a facebook comment saying he was going to kill children has heightened the awareness that cyber bullying and threats will not be taken lightly and/or tolerated. Given the nature of the comments and the vileness of things said coupled with the man calling me “prejudice” and “a racist” creates a slander attack as well. Ironically, the officer attending me and taking my deposition was black. I told him I was going to blog this information on my facebook and state he was black due to irony in that. He and I will be working together to expose the persons involved to the fullest extent of the law. I believe the two people aka: John Conner and aka Cunts Farking to be the same person and possibly one of the people I blocked due to controversial comments on my video. The police also have a list of the blocked profile names to check as well. I do not have to explain to anyone why I delete or block anyone. It is to the discretion of the owner of the video to pick and choose what comments can stay on their channel. However, when a person, ANY person, makes a public written/typed declaration of ill will or harm repeatedly to someone else they cross a line into federal offenses. It goes over the line of being rude to being criminal. I will be following up on this and not letting it sleep. The comments the person or persons made on my account are still there and will not be deleted, nor will I block him. He has publically created his own demise by the remarks he made. Whether deleted or not, the information is now public and documented proof in many areas including the police department. I was a victim of abuse many years ago. I will not live my life in fear by falling prey to being someone’s victim again. Cyber bullies and people who threaten others and use scare tactics to harass others should never be taken lightly nor dismissed easily. I will not be intimidated or bullied into a corner. All of the negative directed at me will have a positive result and help educate others perhaps saving a life in the long run. Teri LaFaye July 5, 2013
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 23:19:29 +0000

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