Today I found out that Im nominated for 11 Emmy Awards. While Im - TopicsExpress


Today I found out that Im nominated for 11 Emmy Awards. While Im proud to have worked on all of those stories, what I really want to say here is thank you to the long list of journalists Ive had the privilege of working with over the past 12+ years. I didnt get here on my own and I just want to say thanks to everyone who helped me along the way. Tim Seeliger, you were one of the first reporters I ever worked with. Thank you for trusting me every day despite the fact that I was just a kid. Nicole Murray, same to you. You hustled like crazy and that pushed me to do the same. Damion Smith, remember that pkg you cut where every shot lasted for precisely 2 seconds? What I took away from that wasnt the fact that faster edits can be interesting/hilarious, but the sheer amount of b-roll you needed to actually achieve that was what blew my mind. Jade Mingus and Ashley Goudeau.. Remember how our news director couldnt tell you two apart? Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat trying to solve that puzzle. Kimberly K.T.P Simpson, remember when I tried to kill you? No one can take that away from us! Ben Russell.. Most of my best work has your voice on it. A few years worth of it! John Leierzapf, youre like Photog Wikipedia. I still talk to the Great Photographer in the Sky from time to time. Todd Dinsmore, I loved watching your work in Harrisburg. Ridiculous talent! Jose Sanchez, thank you for betting on a kid in Pennsylvania and bringing me to Dallas. You keep me on my game; I hope I do the same for you. Lastly, Dawn Hensley.. Youve been there for me on my worst days. The days Ive quit jobs, the days Ive come home from a shit day and just sat in front of the computer just job hunting. Youve never given up on me, even when I wanted to. Without you, this career might have already ended for me. Thank you. Also sorry youre in the Z-block of this thing. Id have put you in the A-block, but I didnt want to bury the lede. Plus this information isnt exactly new.. you get it. Thank you to all of you and so many more people I didnt list. Andrew Tanielian, Brian Smithmyer, Kyle Cooper, Joe ONeill, Eric Heisler, Marie Elena Howe, Bill Carruthers.. really, I cant thank you guys enough! If Ive forgotten to list you, please forgive me! I wouldnt be the journalist I am today without each of you.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 06:21:33 +0000

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