Today I got emotional and felt very deep desire to pay my respects - TopicsExpress


Today I got emotional and felt very deep desire to pay my respects to my parents hence this write up as my humble act of gratitude. I really miss them. For some it may be repeat but I am sure it is a very old post. MY DEVOTE PARENTS THIS WRITE UP IS HOMAGE TO MY PARENTS AS AN EXPRESSION OF MY GRATITUDE, INDEBTEDNESS AND RESPECT FOR THEIR FAVOUR AS THEY GAVE ME 1, My This body. and 2, Took me to the God’s presence and showed me the path to love and grasp of God. Before I submit what are the gains and the divine blessings that I got from my parents ,I feel it necessary to let know a little back ground of my father and mother. My mother was the grand daughter of the very famous and highly acclaimed saint of kashmir pandit krishna Joo Khachru. My mother has told me that whenever he used to do jaap the japmaal hanging on the nail in wall would rotate by itself. There are many divine stories about his miracles etc. his daughter my maternal grand mother was also highly spiritual and God loving lady. I owe her my gratitude for guiding me and creating in me the faith and love for God. There was hardly any saint and mast in kashmir those days where she would not take me and bestowed on me their grace and blessings. My mother having such back ground was a lady whom you could easily say love incarnate, of course harsh and high disciplinarian. During all the time with her I have never seen her partial or selfish. She has never encouraged me to hate others. She was always busy serving all our kith and kin and also those unknowns who used to visit the home. My revered father sri soom nath kaul was son of British time land lord and one of a few gazetted officers in the state. Thus fully a family of make believe English gentleman where the name of God was seldom grand mother conceived three or four time before my father was born but none of the new born survived, as such the maternal uncles of my father along with my grandmother prayed to Lord Shiva, and undertook lots of rituals for the survival of the coming baby. Merciful Lord listened to their prayers and lo a son was born on shravana shuklapakhsha poornima the auspicious day for the worship of Bhagavan Shiva. So the name soom nath. Divine will worked differently in this case the new baby was taken away by the maternal uncles and his grand mother for rearing him there under their vigil. So this boy grew under the tutelage of god loving and sin faring maternal uncles for next twelve years. There he had devaloped love for Godess Durga. He had a very long and strict discipline of doing shakti pooja for hours together. He was most satisfied person, never bothered about wealth or position. We very often used to feel low because of his this humble attitude but now I understand that he meant only God. His priority was godess durga, so he was actually content and humble. After his retirement he devoted his time mostly in the poojas and service activity. He had acquired the name of a social help par excellence. In the year 1968 , he brought one black and white picture of Bhagavan Sri S ATHYA Sai Baba and handed over the same to mother to be kept in the shrine for worship as this was the photo of yug avatar. Same year about the same time my son whom we know as Abhi k today, was born. Our whole family would remain ever grateful to my father for this great favour. He gave us the God. Mother being a devote person adopted the picture very seriously and started her routine worship of Sai Bhagavan. Total dedication. So much was her concern for the lord that she used to cook for him for years together serving him assuming Him to be physically present every time and every where. Once while in interview room Baba asked her “Amma why don’t you taste the food you are cooking for me. You must taste it, you put lot of salt” Gradually she was totally involved in Baba thoughts and acts . soon she started getting interviews and it was a divine scenario to see the Lord and the devotee interacting, at times she would not hesitate in taking liberties and treat Bhagavan as her son/ friend otherwise she would always tell Him “ you are my mother, and father. I am not going to accept less than moksha. Give me moksha” He would assure her saying “Amma deyga time per dega”. Seeing her actions I learnt how we should take the Lord God as living entity. She used to tell me when we pray to picture of Bhagavan or the physical body of the Lord both fulfill our desires equally. So He is in every thing live as well as inert substances. Thus revealing us His omnipresence. I also learned through her, talking to God.she used to talk to the picture as if the lord was sitting besides her. She would at times pray, cajole, complain and plead or show resentment in strong word each according to the need and situation. Believe me I have seen swami responding somtimes showering vibhuti, or turmeric powder, amrut and honey flowing from the picture she used to address, most of the times it used to be fall of a flower from the picture. In the days when I was just entering the field I asked mother you are with dedication and purity serving Him food , does He really partake it. Her reply was in strong words most emphatic Yes. One day I decided to check for myself and after careful check, placing the plate with food at the alter in front of the picture myself and closing the door after me and remained there as a watch man till then, mother after 15 minutes told me to bring the plate from the shrine. I was flattened and crest fallen to see in thali half of the dum aloo was missing and quite a bit of rice eaten after mixing some curry. This was the point when I totally surrendered. This devotion gradually developed in inner worship of japa and dyana. The relation of Bhagavan with my mother was well known in parthy. Every old devotee knew that Bhagavan had some thing spacial for her. She also told us and taught us as how to surrender in totality. Once there was theft in the home while my parents had gone to attend the darshan of Lord in south delhi , when she was told of the theft her reaction was “Baba ki marzi”nothing could shake her she remained there for full two or three days. On reaching home when I latter on told her about the theft she told me perhaps all that was lost was not auspicious for our family so Baba took it away, why bother. He will definitely look after us. That was the day whence from our financial,spiritual and other overall condition of the whole family changed for good. Many are the miracles and the grace of the Lord that he showered on mother and through her on us all.Here under I feel it important to mention about the moksha part of her life. We all know that for moksha one needs to detach oneself totally from the world and its attachments to family, wealth, materials etc and above all the body consciousness. well my mother was down to earth attached to family, her own self, the little world around her and all that you get attached to of course in her case attachment to Lord Sai was the upper most. Now comes the role of Lord Sai to stand to His promise to grant her moksha. It is a long and unique story of love compassion and the extent of favour that lord could undertake for the sake of His devotee. There are many more episodes of His grace and love that includes saving her from death twice.she was at the time of departure absolutely detached from every angle and situate in Baba. for details i hope to share with you some other time in future. My respected father taught me, patience, perseverance, and one pointed devotion and dedication the most important attitude to be maintained during the sadhana. His faithful and continuous sadhana and prayers to Bhagavan for 18 years without Baba even looking at,or talking to him for all these years, speak volumes about his patience and endurance. While as we all in the family enjoyed Bhagavan’s closeness by way of darshan, sambashan and spershanam. But when swami accepted his prayers after these torturous 18 years he got every thing from his aradhya, and Lord Sai Bhagavan ALWAYS IN THE LOVE AND SERVICE OF MY LORD SRI SATHYA SA BABA VARU. Ckkaul.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:05:43 +0000

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