Today I have had two very illuminating conversations. The first - TopicsExpress


Today I have had two very illuminating conversations. The first was with a good friend and one time industry peer. He has earned millions, was at one time among the brightest lights in the industry. He fell victim to the common mistake of thinking that because he had done it once...he could do it again elsewhere without the same cast of characters and circumstances. The initial success was not all about him! He left a sizable check..which has never been replicated and now has lost the vision of our industry and is looking for a job. He remains a good friend...and I wish him well. The second conversation was with another friend, several years younger than me. He has stuck his toe in the water of direct selling and pulled it out of several companies and opportunities. As the years slip by, he is remaining broke...his life chaotic. My response to him when he told me that he would not be able to participate in an opportunity to change, due to current crises in his life was to reflect upon the wisdom of Gilda Radner in character as Roseanne, Roseanna Danna on Saturday Night Live. If its not one thing, its another. When we wait for the chaos to end, so that we can address the root causes of the chaos, we never get to the root causes...because if its not one thing, it will surely be another. And the chaos will continue to rob our lives of joy. Each conversation caused me to be grateful for my current positive life and financial circumstance. The situations they are in could easily have been mine. The other side of that coin is this: My situation could be theirs...though not easy. Have you lost your vision, your dream? What are you willing to do to get it back? The world will not fix it for you. You will have to swim against the stream of conventional wisdom...DDDDBC!...get the spring back into your step and GO! Are you more like the second friend referenced above, allowing the inevitable challenges of life to in fact rob your life of joy and contentment? More of the same brings only more of the same. It has been said that change is good. Sometimes that is true...sometimes it is not. Here is a certainty...positive change is good. It is harder than it looks, takes longer than it seems it should...and IS WORTH IT! Opportunity is Right Here, Right NOW!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 20:46:50 +0000

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