Today, I have received some disheartening news. Recently, I have - TopicsExpress


Today, I have received some disheartening news. Recently, I have been asked to lend my knowledge to a community that has been the focul point of certain detrimental challenges that I have struggled thru and have gained knowledge from. I have been giving that conversation much thought and I can honestly say that the mis-informed opinion that was shared about me has the propensity to mis-lead and that is harmful to me, personally because of the stand I chose to make a long time ago. Today, I have been accused of being an active gang member whose sole purpose is to recruit young people into a lifestyle that I openly and wholeheartedly stand against! But, it is my belief that those in the position of Authority have come to view the gang member as something that must be torn from society. Locked away or buried. It is the predominant belief that the gang structure Cannot exist as a legitimate entity. That is the most rawest feeling that says; people cannot/do not change. If you stop for a moment and remove that personal opinion, bias, prejudice from this equation you come back to the starting point of the circles foundation which is: these are our youth, families and communities we are speaking about. I believe that together, we can grow that young person or family to actually be an asset to the community rather than a liability. I believe that together, WE can redirect his/her efforts and connect them with that which is more acceptable and beneficial to our communities in a positive manner. I do not believe that any of OUR youth, families and communities are a lost cause and I will not give up on them. I will go into them trenches daily to offer an alternative to Incarceration, PreMature Death, Illiteracy! WHY? Because I know what it feels like to be given up on. I know how it feels to be alone or to feel like you dont have anybody and that nobody understands. I know the negative, intimately AND I know the positive. Most importantly, I know how to maintain the positive and that is what insures success. I am no gang member, just a humble servant to those who are experiencing the exact same challenges I have. I offer a beaten path from the negative to the positive. I only see myself as sharing the way to positive change. I choose to be a part of the solution because I will not live the rest of my life knowing that I was a part of the problem. I work with a number of gangs. Both male and female. I have a unique perspective that I have gained from first hand experience. My knowledge comes from my education. My wisdom from living life and I understand the importance of our youth, families and communities overcoming the challenges they face before they succumb. If they fall, WE all fall. Not an acceptable option. The Children be the Reason! Love
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 02:57:05 +0000

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