Today I read this article that was sent to me by my dad. I have - TopicsExpress


Today I read this article that was sent to me by my dad. I have been aware for some time about Pastor John MacArthurs cessationism and the upcoming Strange Fire Conference. I am really thankful to Dr. Michael Brown for writing this appeal to him. charismanews/opinion/in-the-line-of-fire/41371-a-final-appeal-to-pastor-john-macarthur-on-the-eve-of-his-strange-fire-conference The article really saddens me and grieves my heart. Pastor John is one of the best expository preachers in the Church today and he is rock solid in so much of His doctrine (Both he and I hold to Reformed Theology). I really enjoy listening to his teaching on so many different subjects but in this area he gets it wrong. I think its really hard for him to recant views that he has had for many decades now. He has built up a following around him that holds to cessationism and if he changes his mind then the whole structure around him will be shaken. The sad thing is that he wont publicly debate the issue with other Reformed Charismatics in the Church today, and there are many. Dr. John Piper, Dr. Wayne Grudem, Dr. Sam Storms, Dr. Michael Brown (Arminian), Pastor Mark Driscoll, Pastor Tope Koleoso, etc... the list goes on. These are men of God that would hold to doctrine that John MacArthur also holds onto but they are Charismatic not cessationist. They are highly educated as well, some of them with PhDs (Doctrates in Theology: 8-10 years of comprehensive and systematic study in the academy) I think that Pastor John is so blinded by his cessationist views that he doesnt heed the sound exegesis of 1 Corinthians done by say Dr. Piper, Dr. Grudem, or Dr. Storms. Its a shame that he makes blanket statements against so many Charismatic Christians too. I am still thankful for much of his teaching and strong stance for the Biblical Worldview I however will always disagree with his cessationism. Here is an amazing sermon on how Christian pastors should and can be Charismatic by Pastor Tope Koleoso. (Please dont let the Reformed adjective turn you away from hearing the message) Sovereign Grace, Spiritual Gifts, and the Pastor: How Should a Reformed Pastor Be Charismatic? by Tope Koleoso: vimeo/59283754
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 00:04:28 +0000

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