Today I was listening to Brian Tracy Law of Attraction seminar... - TopicsExpress


Today I was listening to Brian Tracy Law of Attraction seminar... I have been told many times by many people that my personality reminds them of a child... I use to get offended but now that I sit back and reflect over the times this has been said I realize they speak of my fearless zealous towards life and my can do attitude. I was never programmed to not go after the thing I want and I was taught its ok to fall down its in the way you get back up and learn from what tripped you. I am spontaneous some see it as careless but I am very meticulous when it comes to my next move... And I have proven time and time again that I CAN DO ALL THING THROUGH JESUS CHRIST who strengthens me. People say all the time I have faith but in the next breath cast doubt upon their circumstance. Thats not faith... I know what is to come is unparalleled greatness so I am prepared for my obstacles that WILL come bc they are MY test... But I will not doubt my choice to step into the unknown... I am afraid but my fear does not hold me captive.... We are HONGRY and thats why WE will leave my mark on this world! Helping people to reach their full potential by showing them ANYTHING is possible when you are uncomfortable! What an amazing space to be in surrounded by a team who lives this truth every single day!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 23:34:04 +0000

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