Today I was once again reminded of something that has weighed - TopicsExpress


Today I was once again reminded of something that has weighed heavily on my heart for some time. The relationships that we have as brothers and sisters in Christ are being assaulted. I have throughout my lifetime seen fellow Christians commit actions that have caused pain to another, whether it be consciously done or not is harmful. Ive seen people turn bitter toward others, churches and even fall away from fellowship because of fellow Christian words /actions. We are not only to be a light into the lost of this world by our showing of love but also an example of how to get along with each other ! If you cant stand to be around an individual who is a Christian down here on Earth....then how do you think you can be around them for eternity in Im not speaking of those who are not born again but speaking of Christian with Christian! Ive seen lay people, deacons, board members, pastors, elders, youth ministers and other church leaders commit offences and drive people away even to the point of backsliding. Ive seen Christians without any church position offend fellow believers to the point that many who were offend due to weakness, become bitter and some even blame God for allowing the offence to occur. When we show the world that we treat each other in such a way are we not signifying that there is no difference between them and us? Except we claim to have Salvation through Jesus Christ? How we handle situations with the people we fellowship with shows whether we truly have the love of God growing within us. John 1:11 says For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, (meaning Christians) not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother..And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and his brothers righteous. 1 John 3:15 says Whoever hates his brother (fellow Christian) is a murderer and you know no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. Many Fellow Believers have been hurt and we are responsible for that damage as well as it indicates that there isnt love in our hearts. Do not also be a stumbling block for a person for their blood will be required of you on the day before the Lord! Be vigilante in words, deeds and action. Reprove, rebuke with love but dont offend and definitely dont kick them out of your church simply because they believe different than you!!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 01:54:13 +0000

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